
Jean-Pierre Admits Biden Visited Parkinson’s Specialist After Denials

Karine Jean-Pierre’s track record for twisting the truth is no secret, but her recent admission takes the cake. After repeatedly denying President Biden’s visit to a Parkinson’s specialist, she finally came clean about the matter. It’s a significant revelation that raises eyebrows.

According to reports, Biden did indeed meet with neurologist Kevin Cannard on Jan. 17, as confirmed by White House Press Secretary Jean-Pierre after initially trying to sweep it under the rug. This revelation comes hot on the heels of Jean-Pierre’s clash with a journalist over her misleading statements regarding Biden’s health evaluations following his disastrous June 27 debate performance.

Despite attempts to downplay the significance of the meeting, stating it was part of the president’s routine physical, the truth is starting to unravel. White House visitor logs revealed multiple consultations between Biden’s primary physician and Cannard, sparking concerns about the president’s health. 


Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, a former White House physician, expressed skepticism over the official narrative, suggesting that the frequent visits to the neurologist were likely focused on Biden’s well-being. Jean-Pierre’s evasiveness on the matter only adds fuel to the fire, leaving many questioning the transparency of the administration.

The unfolding saga underscores the importance of holding public officials accountable for their actions and statements. Jean-Pierre’s admission highlights a pattern of deception that should give Americans pause. The truth might be inconvenient for some, but it’s vital for maintaining trust and integrity in leadership.

Written by Staff Reports

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