
Jean Pierre Dodges Age Talk: Can Biden Keep Up?

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre has always been a disappointment. She’s slow, clumsy, and never wants to take responsibility for anything. Just when you think she can’t sink any lower, she proves you wrong. This time, she’s trying to deflect questions about President Biden’s age and mental condition.

Now, let’s get one thing straight. This isn’t about age. There are plenty of older politicians who are still sharp as a tack. Take Bernie Sanders, for example. He may be older than Biden, but at least he can string together a coherent thought (even if it’s a completely wrong one). The problem here is Biden’s confusion, his falls, and his slurred speech. It’s his performance that concerns people.

When asked about his ability to do the job, Biden likes to say, “Watch me.” Well, Mr. President, the American people are watching, and they’re coming to a troubling conclusion. They see the truth, and no amount of spin or gaslighting from Jean Pierre can change that.

It’s not just the public who sees Biden’s struggles. According to a new book on the Biden administration, the president has complained to friends that his staff “treats him like a toddler.” He resents them for trying to clean up the messes he creates with his incoherent statements. But let’s be clear, Biden is the one who needs constant cleaning up after. He can’t even get through a speech without stumbling over his words.

And here’s the kicker: John F. Kennedy, a president admired for his youthful vigor, was elected when he was in his early 40s. Biden, on the other hand, seems to revel in being treated like a fragile old man. He wants to be coddled and pampered, while those around him and the voters can see the truth.

The sad reality is that Biden’s mental decline is only going to get worse. It’s clear for everyone to see, except apparently Jean Pierre and her team. They continue to spew their feeble excuses and denials while the American people shake their heads in disbelief. It’s time for some honesty and accountability from the White House, but I won’t hold my breath.

Written by Staff Reports

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