
Jean-Pierre Fails AGAIN on Anti-Semitism, Dems Outraged

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre once again struggled to provide a satisfactory answer when questioned about the disturbing incidents of people tearing down posters of Israelis being held hostage in Gaza. It’s becoming a pattern for Jean-Pierre to evade addressing this issue, just like she did with credible threats of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitism on college campuses. It’s clear that she lacks the ability or willingness to take a firm stance against this reprehensible behavior.

Even fellow Democrats are calling out Jean-Pierre for her inadequate response. Representative Jared Moskowitz, a Jewish Democrat who has been a vocal supporter of Israel, expressed his disappointment with Jean-Pierre’s handling of the issue. He rightly pointed out that the press secretary shouldn’t be relying on Twitter to condemn such behavior, but rather should be addressing it from the White House podium. It’s concerning that Jean-Pierre seems more comfortable issuing statements on social media than confronting the issue head-on.

Hamas recently carried out a brutal terrorist attack against Israel, resulting in the deaths of 1,400 innocent Israelis, including men, women, children, babies, and even Holocaust survivors. They also kidnapped and tortured around 240 individuals. The families of those missing or held hostage are desperate for answers and action. While peaceful protests are a right in this country, it is outrageous to think that tearing down posters of kidnapped individuals is an acceptable form of protest. Moskowitz rightly called out the disturbing anti-Semitism we are witnessing in the United States, with people displaying signs that say “kill the Jews” and “gas the Jews.” This level of hatred is reminiscent of the Holocaust, and Moskowitz made it clear that the Jewish community will not remain silent in the face of such bigotry.

Finally, Jean-Pierre attempted to clarify her initial response during a press briefing. She condemned acts of anti-Semitism but then veered off-topic to discuss the administration’s focus on fighting Islamophobia. While it’s important to address all forms of hatred, by equating anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, Jean-Pierre is undermining the severity of the anti-Semitic attacks and threats occurring across the country. It’s disappointing that she fails to give the issue of anti-Semitism the attention and condemnation it deserves.

It’s time for Jean-Pierre and the Biden administration to take a stronger stance against anti-Semitism and address the alarming rise in violence and hate targeting Jewish communities. Tearing down posters of kidnapped individuals is not a form of peaceful protest; it is an act of intimidation and anti-Semitism. The Jewish community deserves better than the lackluster response they have received from the White House. It’s time for our leaders to speak out unequivocally against this hatred and take meaningful action to protect the safety and rights of Jewish Americans.

Written by Staff Reports

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