
Jean-Pierre’s Contradictions on Biden’s Health Visits Exposed Yet Again

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre finds herself in hot water yet again, this time over the visits of neurologist Dr. Kevin Cannard to the White House. The liberal media, always eager to defend the Biden administration, is struggling to spin this one in their favor.

Despite being pressed by reporters like Ed O’Keefe, Jean-Pierre has been evasive and contradictory in her responses about the nature of Dr. Cannard’s visits. First, she denied that a January 17 meeting between Dr. Cannard and White House physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor had anything to do with President Biden’s health. But now, in a classic case of backtracking, she claims that the meeting was indeed related to Biden’s physicals all along.

It’s becoming a pattern for Jean-Pierre to twist the truth when questioned about Biden’s health. Just last week, she was caught misleading the public about Biden’s medical check-up after the June 27 debate. First, she said he didn’t see the doctor for a noticeable cold, only to later admit that he did have a “check-in” with his doctor.

The mainstream media seems content to let Jean-Pierre off the hook with mere “clarifications,” but the American people deserve better. How many more false statements will it take for them to see through the White House’s facade of transparency? It’s time for accountability, not excuses, in the briefing room.

Written by Staff Reports

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