
Jesse Watters Exposes Biden’s Shady $2.74M Cash-Only Beach House Deal!

In a recent segment on his show, Fox News’ Jesse Watters delved into the perplexing mystery of how Joe Biden, the self-proclaimed “poorest man in Congress,” managed to purchase a nearly $3 million home in cash just five months after leaving the vice presidency. Watters humorously played a montage of clips in which Biden referred to himself as the “poorest man in Congress for 36 years” and expressed his belief that one shouldn’t make money while in office. The question remains: how did the “poorest man in Congress” acquire such a large amount of liquid cash?

Watters jokingly speculated about possible sources of income, suggesting that Biden’s speaking tour wouldn’t have brought in enough money and that no one has actually read his book. Records indicate that the summer home in Rehoboth, Delaware, has no mortgage but does have a $250,000 line of credit opened by Joe and Jill Biden. While it was initially reported that Biden used an advance from a multi-book deal to purchase the house, the numbers don’t seem to add up according to a report from the Daily Mail. There is a discrepancy of $5.2 million between what Biden reported to the IRS and what he told the Office of Government Ethics. Interestingly, this amount closely aligns with the alleged $5 million bribe Biden supposedly received from the owner of Ukrainian gas company Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky, according to an unnamed FBI informant cited in the article.

Furthermore, the timing of the house purchase coincides with a text message allegedly sent by Hunter Biden to his Chinese business partner at CEFC, mentioning his anticipation of a call with his father asking for $10 million. These revelations have led GOP Sen. Ron Johnson and Sen. Chuck Grassley to push for a thorough examination of the Bidens’ financial records. Jesse Watters highlighted the double standard in scrutinizing Trump’s financial dealings while allowing Biden to accumulate $3 million in liquid assets after a career in public service. Something fishy is going on, and it’s not just the water at Rehoboth beach. With a new speaker elected, it’s now up to the Republicans to take action and investigate the Biden family’s questionable business activities.

Written by Staff Reports

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