
Jill Biden Campaigns for Sleepy Joe as He Naps: Whose Race is it Anyway?

In 2020, Joe Biden thought he could use the pandemic as an excuse to avoid the hard work of campaigning. And now, in 2024, it seems like he’s relying more and more on his wife, Jill Biden, to do all the legwork. I mean, can you believe it? The guy can’t even campaign for himself!

Jill Biden has been jet-setting all over the place, trying to plug her husband’s lackluster campaign. Last week alone, she made stops in fancy places like San Diego, Beverly Hills (you know, where the Hollywood elites live), and Seattle. And now, she’s headed to Kansas City, where she’ll be discussing education. I guess Joe is just too busy napping or something.

But let’s not forget that Jill Biden is no stranger to the spotlight. With her background in teaching, she’s become a go-to spokesperson for the Democrats on one of their favorite issues: so-called “book bans.” You know, those ridiculous claims that schools are banning books for their ideological or pornographic content. I mean, come on! Can we please focus on real issues here?

Not only is Jill Biden out there talking about books, but she’s also been acting as a surrogate for her doddering husband. She’s been echoing Joe’s alarmist message about “democracy” and the supposed threat of “MAGA Republicans.” Please. We all know that Joe couldn’t even find his way out of a paper bag without Jill’s help.

And let’s not forget the fear-mongering tactics Jill uses to rile up donors. During a recent stop in San Diego, she painted a terrifying picture of chaos, crisis, and corruption if Trump were to win. Give me a break! Can we all just take a deep breath and remember that our country survived just fine under Trump’s leadership?

Now, I hate to say it, but it almost seems like Jill Biden is running for president instead of her husband. I mean, Joe can barely string a coherent sentence together these days. But don’t worry, folks, Sleepy Joe is trying his best. He made a whopping 87-second appearance with picketing auto workers in Michigan. Wow, what a powerhouse. Meanwhile, Trump will be speaking for 90 minutes or more when he visits Michigan. It’s like comparing a snail to a racehorse.

Honestly, I don’t know how Biden thinks he can keep up with Trump at this rate. Maybe he should take a page from Jill’s book and let her run the show. At least then we might get some entertainment out of this lackluster campaign. But hey, who needs strong, steady leadership that actually gets things done when you can have a sleepy old man and his surrogate wife running the country?

Written by Staff Reports

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