
Jill Biden Hails Joe’s Age as a Plus; Voters Disagree!

First Lady Jill Biden recently made an appearance on “Morning Joe” for an interview with Mika Brzezinski, and boy, did she put it all on the line for her husband, President Joe Biden. In the interview, Brzezinski brought up the fact that Joe is 81 years old and asked if Jill was worried about his age and health as he potentially embarks on a second term. Jill confidently responded without hesitation, declaring that her hubby could handle it and that she saw his energy and passion every day. But it didn’t stop there! When asked about voters who feel Joe might be too old for the job, Jill boldly stated that his age is an asset. Can you believe that?

Of course, it’s not surprising that a friendly interviewer like Brzezinski would give a chuckle and even agree with Jill. After all, who could resist the spin on an age-related question, right? “He’s wise,” Brzezinski said, backing up Jill’s argument. At this point, it’s like these two were having a love fest for Joe Biden, with Brzezinski openly applauding his supposed wisdom. But the real question is, does 81 years of life equal wisdom? The Bible says so, but hey, who are we to argue with that? After all, it also says that wisdom comes from God, and I don’t know about you, but Biden’s actions don’t exactly scream “hanging out with the Big Guy upstairs” to me.

And get this! A recent poll by The Associated Press and the National Opinion Research Center found that a whopping 77 percent of respondents believe Joe Biden is “too old to effectively serve another 4-year term as president.” That’s a lot of folks expressing concerns about his age! Yet here’s the kicker: 51 percent of those same respondents said the same thing about Trump. So, if we’re comparing apples to apples, it looks like both candidates have some age-related hurdles to jump.

But back to the interview. Despite the verdict from the general public, Jill is sticking to her guns, insisting that Joe is the right person for the job. And she even corrected herself when she said “right man,” like that makes a difference. But let’s be real, that’s just the left playing verbal games again. And if you think I’m being judgmental, well, I’m not the only one. Jesus himself said we should judge wisely, so I’m just following His orders. And when I use His standards to judge, well, maybe Joe isn’t exactly the wise leader we need for these trying times. But hey, that’s just me!

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Written by Staff Reports

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