
Jill Biden’s Solo Trip: Distraction from Joe’s Declining Health?

First Lady Jill Biden took a solo trip to Washington State this week, leaving her husband, President Joe Biden, behind. While some may argue that it was a routine visit, skeptical conservatives can’t help but question if this is just another sign of concern over his declining health. Mrs. Biden’s plane landed at the King County International Airport in Seattle on Thursday, and the following day she made an appearance at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.

Of course, the liberal media wants us to believe that this was a harmless visit to support cancer survivors and research. They claim that she wanted to highlight the importance of specialized care and research for survivors of childhood cancers and breast cancer. But let’s be honest here, folks. We all know this is just another attempt to distract us from the real issue at hand: Joe Biden’s fitness to lead.

Mrs. Biden’s interest in Dr. Cyrus Ghajar’s research on metastatic breast cancer among survivors supposedly has something to do with a grant from the U.S. Department of Defense. Now, why on earth would the Defense Department be funding breast cancer research? It’s fishy, folks. It’s really fishy. But the mainstream media won’t dare to question it because they’re too busy fawning over the First Lady’s tour of cancer facilities.

This is not the first time Jill Biden has jetted off without her husband. In May, she gallivanted across the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe on a solo tour. She attended the wedding of Jordanian Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II and even represented the United States at British King Charles’ coronation. Clearly, this woman is living her best life while her husband stays home, possibly suffering from fatigue or worse.

And the concerns about President Biden’s age and health aren’t just coming from conservatives. According to a poll conducted by the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, nearly two-thirds of Democrats believe he’s too old to serve another term in office. Let that sink in for a moment. His own party knows deep down that he’s not up to the task.

So, while the media may want us to believe that Jill Biden’s trip to Washington State was all about cancer research and survivor support, the truth is much more concerning. It’s time we start asking the tough questions and demanding transparency about the president’s health. Our country deserves to know if we have a leader who is physically and mentally capable of making sound decisions.

Written by Staff Reports

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