
Jim Jordan Exposes FBI’s Hypocritical Censorship Tactics!

FBI Director Christopher Wray found himself in hot water during his congressional testimony, as Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee grilled him over his handling of the bureau. In a particularly memorable exchange, Representative Jim Jordan brilliantly turned Wray’s own words against him.

Wray began by criticizing Communist Chinese practices, saying that any company in China is required to have a government-approved “committee” to ensure compliance with Chinese Communist Party orthodoxy. He noted that if a similar system were implemented in American or British companies, people would rightfully go mad. And that’s where Jordan struck.

Representative Lance Gooden chimed in to show his support for Wray’s observation, but then yielded the rest of his time to Chairman Jim Jordan. Sensing an opportunity, Jordan wasted no time in using Wray’s statement to expose the FBI’s hypocrisy.

The Congressman pointed out that the FBI, much like the Chinese government, had been meeting with big tech companies and pressuring them to censor speech that they deemed inappropriate. Jordan referred to a recent court case, Missouri v. Biden, where the judge accused the FBI of assuming the role of an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.”

The judge in that case highlighted the FBI’s command center that operates during election cycles, actively censoring what they perceive to be “disinformation” and “misinformation.” The FBI even goes as far as sharing this information with social media platforms, effectively determining what speech should be censored.

It’s alarming that our own law enforcement agency engages in such behavior. The First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech, not the right to be shielded from ideas we may find disagreeable. Yet, the FBI seems to believe it has the authority to play judge and jury, deciding what information should be allowed in the public sphere.

This revelation raises serious concerns about the agency’s commitment to upholding the Constitution and protecting Americans’ civil liberties. Should we really trust an organization that acts more like Big Brother than an impartial defender of justice? It’s crucial that we hold the FBI accountable and ensure that our constitutional rights are not sacrificed in the pursuit of ideological control.

Written by Staff Reports

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