
Joe Biden Nose-Dives to Second Lowest Approval Ever!

President Joe Biden’s approval numbers are plummeting, according to Yahoo! News contributor Andrew Romano. In a recent article, Romano cites a poll aggregator from FiveThirtyEight that ranks Biden as the “second-most-unpopular president in modern U.S. history.” Ouch! Only President Jimmy Carter fared worse in the polls. Biden’s approval rating stands at a meager 39.1%, while a whopping 55.4% of Americans disapprove of his job performance.

Frankly, it’s no surprise why Biden is tanking in the polls. Just look at the economy! New York Magazine columnist Eric Levitz hit the nail on the head when he said that Americans, who have enjoyed stable prices for decades, have little tolerance for inflation. People are livid every time they see their grocery bill and remember what things used to cost under President Donald Trump. They’re pinching their pennies and stretching their dollars as far as possible just to make ends meet.

And it’s not just the groceries that are breaking the bank. According to National Review contributor Noah Rothman, prices for non-perishable staples like cereals and paper towels are skyrocketing. In fact, the cost of these goods has shot up by double digits across different categories in just a matter of months. Americans are feeling the pinch and resenting the government’s mismanagement of the economy.

It’s clear that Biden’s failure to address inflation and improve the economy is driving his abysmal approval ratings. As the second-most-unpopular president in modern history, he better start delivering on his promises or he’ll go down in history as a one-term president just like Carter. Maybe he should take a few tips from Trump’s playbook on how to get the economy back on track.

Source= Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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