
Kamala Harris Campaign Restricts Press Access, Echoes Biden’s 2020 Tactics

Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign is raising eyebrows with its bizarre antics aimed at controlling the narrative while on the road. During a recent rally in Pennsylvania, it seems the administration’s commitment to “saving democracy” hits a snag when it comes to allowing unfettered press access. This latest episode follows a similar situation that occurred at an earlier rally in Nevada, where Harris’s campaign staff was seen monitoring reporters and actively attempting to limit their interactions with attendees.

At that Nevada event, reporters witnessed campaign staff shadowing them, particularly when they approached attendees who dared to voice dissenting opinions about President Biden. The scenario was uncomfortable enough that it left one interviewee feeling intimidated, effectively muting their freedom of speech right there on the spot. It’s an odd way to win over voters, especially when a fundamental belief in democracy is supposedly at stake.

Move over to 2020’s “basement campaign” strategy. This time, the Harris campaign has turned the art of evading the press into a masterclass of absurdity. At a recent rally in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, they expanded their press-pen tactics, preventing reporters from interacting with voters when the Wisconsin governor and Pennsylvania’s governor were in attendance. The absurdity was compounded when an Associated Press journalist found that he had to enlist help from someone in Delaware headquarters to escape the confines of this self-imposed media jail to gather real voter opinions.

As talk circulated about how Harris’s evasive maneuvers parallel the dull and restrictive Biden campaign approach of yesteryear, the issue of free press came to the forefront. Critics of the administration are using these incidents to bolster claims that Harris and her team are fundamentally at odds with the values of free speech and transparency. These concerns resonate well within conservative circles, where every action taken by this administration is scrutinized for its implications on American liberties.

What remains intriguing is whether a revolt will arise within the ranks of reporters who are being sidelined and shushed by the Harris campaign. They’ve been largely sympathetic so far, but the stifling of their access might be the breaking point. After all, reporters have a job to do, and the current administration seems hell-bent on making their job increasingly difficult. If they decide to push back in any meaningful way, it could result in some very entertaining drama.

In a political landscape that becomes more theatrical by the day, the Biden-Harris campaign’s peculiar approach stands out. They may present themselves as champions of democracy, but the actions taken by their campaign staff suggest otherwise. As the campaign ramps up toward 2024, it will be vital to watch how press interactions evolve and whether those hidden behind the curtains will find their way to the spotlight.

Written by Staff Reports

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