
Kamala Harris Cheers on Bidenomics as American Families Feel the Financial Strain

Kamala Harris recently donned her cheerleading outfit for “Bidenomics,” an economic approach that many families would agree feels more like a economic bear market than an Olympic sport. Under the Biden-Harris administration, costs have shot up an astonishing 20 percent on average. If families thought they could grab a quick bite at Popeyes or Taco Bell without feeling the sting in their wallets, they are sorely mistaken; some menu items have had their prices jacked up by at least 75 percent. Apparently, the only thing rising faster than inflation is Harris’s praise for her administration’s policies.

Despite her attempts to paint a rosy picture, Harris might find it a challenge to persuade voters that her administration deserves high marks on economic performance. Polling data tells a different story. A mere 7 percent of voters think the administration is doing a “very good” job with the economy. Meanwhile, a whopping 34 percent of respondents categorize it as “very bad.” This is no friendly conversation around a barbecue; this is an unmistakable 27-point gap that signals significant dissatisfaction.

Further compounding the discontent, a Monmouth University survey revealed that 87 percent of Americans believe that Biden’s policies have either worsened inflation or have had zero positive impact. It’s this kind of reality check that makes Harris’s lofty claims about economic success seem increasingly out of touch. To most, it appears their fast food habit has become a “luxury,” and grocery prices remain as high as a kite, as noted by a recent LendingTree survey.

Even Biden’s legacy as a unifying figure seems to crumble in comparison to former President Donald Trump, who has a 12-point lead over Harris when it comes to voter trust regarding the economy. The clear implication here is that voters would rather play the deregulation game with Trump than sit through another lesson in liberal economics from the vice president.

Harris’s policy history serves as a cherry on top of this economic disaster. Her radical record includes advocating for a ban on offshore drilling, supporting taxpayer-funded health coverage for illegal immigrants, and pushing to decriminalize illegal border crossings. Those credentials don’t just land her on the left of the political spectrum; they land her smack dab in the middle of the radical left, positioning her as more extreme than even Bernie Sanders. It isn’t hard to figure out why some prominent figures, including those who write for the New York Times, have dubbed Harris one of the least electable contenders in the lineup of potential Democratic candidates.

In the current economic climate, her smiling face and positive spin haven’t fooled much of anyone, but they certainly provide some comic relief in a time of financial turmoil. Harris may keep advocating for her economic approach, but the numbers—and the voters—tell a different story. It appears the louder she applauds her team’s economic strategy, the more Americans turn to their wallets to see just how far it has gotten them.

Written by Staff Reports

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