
Kamala Harris Evades Key Questions on MSNBC Interview Sparking Criticism

Kamala Harris once again demonstrated her unique ability to evade questions during a recent interview with the notorious left-wing megaphone known as MSNBC. While the left may appreciate her gift for vague platitudes, most Americans are left scratching their heads, wondering just how she plans to pay for her grand ideas without hitting taxpayers where it hurts.

In a particularly eye-opening exchange, an MSNBC host tried to press Harris on the specifics of funding her pet projects, like expanding the child tax credit and housing assistance. It’s true that raising corporate taxes could be a tough sell, especially if the GOP regains control of the Senate. But instead of tackling the financial intricacies like a seasoned politician, Harris leaned heavily on the tired phraseology of “fair share” without laying out a precise plan. It seems that “fair share” is the magical phrase that allows Democrats to avoid the nitty-gritty details about their economic strategies.

When cornered about the potential exodus of corporations in response to higher tax rates, Harris argued that her discussions with CEOs have convinced her that they agree with her vision. This is a clever evasion of the question: if Harris’s plan is supposed to be beneficial, why would businesses consider leaving? After all, it turns out most CEOs probably care a little too much about their bottom line to jump on the progressive bandwagon.

Harris also made a startling claim that the pandemic-driven unemployment was equivalent to the Great Depression. In reality, the unemployment rate peaked at 14.8 percent in April 2020, largely thanks to blue-state lockdowns. By the time the Biden administration took over, that number had plummeted to 6.3 percent, raising eyebrows over the administration’s claims of creating jobs. Most of those so-called “created” jobs were merely the result of the economy bouncing back from unprecedented shutdowns.

In the midst of her assertion that Donald Trump left behind an economic disaster, Harris conveniently overlooked the role that government-mandated shutdowns played in job loss. Instead, she insinuated that Trump was somehow responsible for shipping jobs overseas, a narrative that has been debunked time and again. This powerful combination of misdirection and fantasy is perhaps the hallmark of Harris’s public appearances — a skill she continues to hone, all while deflecting any real scrutiny.

In the pantheon of political interviews, one might wonder whether the questions ever got too uncomfortable for Harris or if she simply believes that ambiguity is the best strategy. It’s a curious choice, as the American public deserves more than just a series of buzzwords strung together. But then again, when the left is presiding over a narrative, who needs facts? Harris’s interview serves as yet another reminder that when it comes to fiscal responsibility, clarity, and accountability, these politicians seem to be on a vacation from reality.

Written by Staff Reports

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