
Kamala Harris Flip-Flops on Border Wall as CNN Calls Out Her Hypocrisy

Kamala Harris has entered the political spotlight once again, and unsurprisingly, it’s all about her notorious flip-flopping. Now serving as the Democrat presidential nominee, the vice president’s inconsistency has reached dizzying heights, especially regarding her stance on the border crisis. Harris has recently rolled out campaign ads promising to be the strong leader the country needs to tackle illegal immigration. This is a curious stance considering the Biden-Harris administration’s track record of unleashing a wave of illegal crossings that has spiraled out of control, seemingly inviting illegal aliens in like guests at a barbecue.

The hypocrisy of Harris has become so glaring that even CNN, the Democratic party’s unofficial cheerleader, found it hard to overlook. During a segment, the network’s Erin Burnett pointed out the absurdity of Harris now featuring images of former President Trump’s border wall in her campaign advertisements. This is particularly rich given Harris’s long history of denouncing that very wall, labeling it as ineffective and un-American. Her past statements come back to haunt her as she attempts to rewrite history for her political gain.

Reports surfaced revealing that Harris had criticized Trump’s border wall over 50 times in the past, yet here she is, transforming into a so-called “border hawk” overnight. The irony is almost comical, as one must wonder if she thinks voters have conveniently forgotten her previous tirades against Trump’s policies. Her new ads aim to project strength, but they reek of desperation and a fundamental lack of principles.

What makes this situation even more puzzling is the fact that it’s CNN—normally tasked with glossing over Democrat failures—that decides to call her out on this blatant hypocrisy. The network has historically been bent on covering for the left, yet here they are exposing Harris’s duplicity, which speaks volumes about how bad things must really be for her campaign.

As Harris continues to grapple with her identity in the political arena, it’s becoming clear that her approach lacks any solid foundation. When even a mainstream media outlet like CNN finds it necessary to shed light on a Democrat’s questionable tactics, one can only assume voter trust is slipping away faster than Harris can flip-flop. The revelation that this “principle-free wannabe dictator”—her own words, repurposed—will say anything for political survival makes the upcoming election season all the more interesting.

Written by Staff Reports

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