
Kamala Harris Flip-flops On Fracking Fueling Concerns About Her Shifting Political Principles

When it comes to consistency, Kamala Harris might as well be a chameleon in a disco ball factory. Her unwavering commitment to one issue—abortion—stands out starkly against a backdrop of political gymnastics that leaves many scratching their heads. Beyond that single focus, her positions on other significant matters seem to be more fluid than a river during a flood, with fracking being one of the prime examples of this unpredictability.

In 2019, Harris made headlines with a bold proclamation: she was unequivocally in favor of banning fracking. No ifs, ands, or buts—just a clear statement that left no room for interpretation. Fast forward to today, and it appears that the political winds have shifted in her favor, or at least in her voters’ interest. With skyrocketing energy bills making everyday Americans wince, her fracking stance has morphed into a muddled mess that’s as clear as mud.


When challenged on her evolving position, Harris has offered nonsensical explanations, claiming her core values remain unchanged. Ironically, those values seem to pivot with every shift in public sentiment, making her look less like a principled leader and more like a politician dancing to the whims of the crowd. This duplicity has not escaped the attention of critics, including the U.S. Oil & Gas Association, which recently called out her team for its incessant flip-flopping.

Harris’ Climate Engagement Director, Camila Thorndike, was recently thrust into the spotlight during an interview. When asked how Harris would reassure younger voters about environmental commitments despite her recent promotion of fossil fuels, her response was less than enlightening. She sidestepped the issue by asserting that Harris neither planned to ban fracking nor promote its expansion. It seems the notion of clarity was lost somewhere between the lines of Thorndike’s carefully curated words.

The reality is that Kamala Harris lacks any genuine principles. Her history of shifting stances on various critical issues showcases a politician who is willing to say whatever it takes to secure votes. The recent sentiments from energy workers in Pennsylvania shine a light on the mistrust surrounding her promises. Many are calling out her disingenuousness, emphasizing that no one truly believes what she has to say anymore.

As the 2024 election approaches, it’s clear that the Biden-Harris administration has initiated a full-frontal assault on American energy. Their termination of the Keystone Pipeline on Day One speaks volumes about their priorities. They promote a lifestyle that threatens to regress the nation to an age of primitive technology, all while they jet around unabated in their private aircraft. No matter how much Kamala Harris may try to reposition herself, the same leftist agenda remains intact, and Americans are left wondering if they can afford to trust her ever again.

When it comes to consistency, Kamala Harris might as well be a chameleon in a disco ball factory. Her unwavering commitment to one issue—abortion—stands out starkly against a backdrop of political gymnastics that leaves many scratching their heads. Beyond that single focus, her positions on other significant matters seem to be more fluid than a river during a flood, with fracking being one of the prime examples of this unpredictability.

In 2019, Harris made headlines with a bold proclamation: she was unequivocally in favor of banning fracking. No ifs, ands, or buts—just a clear statement that left no room for interpretation. Fast forward to today, and it appears that the political winds have shifted in her favor, or at least in her voters’ interest. With skyrocketing energy bills making everyday Americans wince, her fracking stance has morphed into a muddled mess that’s as clear as mud.

When challenged on her evolving position, Harris has offered nonsensical explanations, claiming her core values remain unchanged. Ironically, those values seem to pivot with every shift in public sentiment, making her look less like a principled leader and more like a politician dancing to the whims of the crowd. This duplicity has not escaped the attention of critics, including the U.S. Oil & Gas Association, which recently called out her team for its incessant flip-flopping.

Harris’ Climate Engagement Director, Camila Thorndike, was recently thrust into the spotlight during an interview. When asked how Harris would reassure younger voters about environmental commitments despite her recent promotion of fossil fuels, her response was less than enlightening. She sidestepped the issue by asserting that Harris neither planned to ban fracking nor promote its expansion. It seems the notion of clarity was lost somewhere between the lines of Thorndike’s carefully curated words.

The reality is that Kamala Harris lacks any genuine principles. Her history of shifting stances on various critical issues showcases a politician who is willing to say whatever it takes to secure votes. The recent sentiments from energy workers in Pennsylvania shine a light on the mistrust surrounding her promises. Many are calling out her disingenuousness, emphasizing that no one truly believes what she has to say anymore.

As the 2024 election approaches, it’s clear that the Biden-Harris administration has initiated a full-frontal assault on American energy. Their termination of the Keystone Pipeline on Day One speaks volumes about their priorities. They promote a lifestyle that threatens to regress the nation to an age of primitive technology, all while they jet around unabated in their private aircraft. No matter how much Kamala Harris may try to reposition herself, the same leftist agenda remains intact, and Americans are left wondering if they can afford to trust her ever again.

Written by Staff Reports

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