
Kamala Harris Heads to Border Yet Again Critics Slam Her Track Record and Motives

The political theater surrounding Vice President Kamala Harris’s latest planned visit to the southern border showcases the absurdity that liberal politicians often engage in to win over skeptical voters. After years of inaction, Harris is attempting to sell herself as a “border czar,” a role she has seemingly ignored since taking office. The timing of her visit raises questions about her motivations. Is she really concerned about the border crisis, or is this just another campaign stunt aimed at distracting voters from her dismal track record?

Critics point out that this will only be Harris’s second trip to the border in over three years, a far cry from the proactive approach one would expect from someone supposedly tasked with this important responsibility. Her first visit in 2021 was underwhelming at best and more of a pit-stop on her way to California than a serious engagement with the issues facing the border. During that visit, she faced resistance from Hispanic Trump supporters who aptly dubbed her “Que Mala,” which translates to “how bad.” It seems that the people she claims to advocate for see right through her façade.

The irony of Harris promoting herself as tough on border security is hard to ignore, especially given her long history of advocacy for illegal immigrants. Her previous statements and policy positions often directly contradict her current narrative. During her tenure, she has openly criticized former President Trump’s border wall, labeling it a waste of resources and claiming it contributed to a climate of fear. In fact, her track record is filled with examples of support for undocumented immigrants, which raises suspicions about her sudden change in stance. 


Even members of the mainstream media, typically more aligned with leftist narratives, are calling out this inconsistency. A CNN correspondent has pointedly remarked that Harris’s claims of toughness on border issues are at odds with her well-documented history of supporting illegal immigration. The contrast between her past statements and her current desperate attempts to align with a tough-on-border approach reflects a rather clumsy attempt at gaslighting the American public. Many see through this transparent strategy, and it’s no surprise that skepticism abounds.

As the political landscape heats up, Harris’s antics only serve to ignite further criticism. Analysts from across the right have been quick to mock her for this clumsy ploy. There’s an element of dark humor in watching her try to rebrand herself, while the shortcomings of her previous policies remain glaringly apparent. Perhaps if she keeps up the charade long enough, she might even find another excuse to jet off to Europe after her brief visit to Arizona. Clearly, the priority is not getting to the bottom of the border crisis but maintaining a veneer of competence while dodging accountability for her role in creating the very problems she is now pretending to solve.

Written by Staff Reports

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