
Kamala Harris’ Legal Track Record Pushes Extreme Progressive Agendas

The left continues to showcase its commitment to progressive agendas, with Vice President Kamala Harris’ legal history shining a spotlight on her unabashed liberalism. During her stint as California’s Attorney General, Harris didn’t just tiptoe through the legal fare—she dove headfirst into the deep end with a series of briefs that would make even the staunchest liberal blush. From affirmative action to abortion and beyond, her track record reads like a menu of leftist priorities served up hot and steaming.

Starting off with affirmative action, Harris wasn’t shy about her views. Back in 2012 and 2015, she filed briefs pushing the Supreme Court to uphold race-based considerations in college admissions, even though California’s own constitution slapped those same ideas right in the face. It’s classic leftist logic: bend the rules to fit the narrative—ideally one that promotes racial preferences while ignoring equal protection under the law. The Supreme Court ultimately had a different take, declaring such practices unconstitutional, which sent Harris into a tizzy. The Vice President labeled the ruling a “step backward,” while the Biden administration scrambled to rewrite the narrative to keep the racial preference bonfire roaring.

When it comes to abortion, Harris’s record is equally troubling. She sat amongst a coalition of Democratic attorneys general fighting tooth and nail for buffer zones around abortion clinics, essentially giving pro-abortion advocates a free pass while silencing pro-life voices. In addition, her opposition to Texas’ law ensuring abortionists had hospital admitting privileges sent alarm bells ringing among those concerned about women’s health. It’s ironic that those who claim to be champions of women’s rights are simultaneously dismantling the safety measures intended to protect them. Not one to shy away from controversy, Harris even championed a California law forcing pro-life pregnancy centers to push abortions—a law that was promptly shot down by the Supreme Court’s adherence to First Amendment rights.

Religious liberty took a hit under Harris’ legal watch too, as she fought to ensure that companies like Hobby Lobby wouldn’t receive exemptions from providing contraceptives to employees, despite religious beliefs. Her track record in this regard suggests a selective interpretation of the First Amendment favoring one group’s rights over another, raising serious questions about her commitment to genuine religious freedom. Adding fuel to the fire, she attempted to push the Do No Harm Act, which many interpreted as a thinly veiled attack on religious liberty under the guise of civil rights.

The LGBTQ+ community also found an advocate in Harris, as she became a key player in promoting same-sex marriage. After officiating California’s first same-sex wedding, she refused to defend Proposition 8 in court. Her activity did not just stop there; joining amicus briefs to widen the scope of same-sex marriage rights in the Obergefell case shows her willingness to sidestep traditional definitions of marriage altogether. Moreover, she has pursued policies that would allow biological males access to female-only spaces, further testing the boundaries of societal norms all while the Biden administration continues to challenge states enforcing bans on sex change surgeries for minors.

Lastly, Harris’ views on immigration paint a picture of a politician more interested in pandering to progressive ideals than enforcing the law. Her opposition to Arizona’s immigration laws can only be characterized as an all-out war on states’ rights, as she maneuvered to block fundamental aspects of immigration enforcement, leading to newer battles under the Biden administration regarding Texas’ enforcement efforts. It’s a dizzying dance of disallowing the enforcement of laws meant to protect American sovereignty, while simultaneously advocating for the very policies that create chaos on the borders.

In short, Kamala Harris’s legal history is a glaring indicator of a left-wing ideology that seeks to erode the foundations of American jurisprudence. If this path continues, one can only imagine the constitutional chaos that would ensue should she ever take the top office.

Written by Staff Reports

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