
Kamala Harris Pushes For Doctors To Perform Abortions Despite Religious Beliefs

The radical pro-abortion agenda of Vice President Kamala Harris has taken an outrageous turn, this time suggesting that doctors should be forced to perform abortions even if it goes against their personal or religious beliefs. During an interview with NBC News, Harris was cornered by journalist Hallie Jackson who asked her about the potential for Republican control in Congress and what, if any, concessions she’d be willing to make on the issue of abortion access. One might think a sensible response could include some level of compromise. But not for Harris, who seemed more intent on doubling down than finding any common ground.

In a display of the left’s usual blame-shifting, Harris pointed fingers at Donald Trump, claiming that his appointees to the Supreme Court are responsible for the so-called “abortion bans” in twenty states. The implication here is crystal clear: the left is not just concerned about the legality of abortion, but is also hell-bent on demonizing anyone who dares to advocate for the sanctity of life. Rather than accepting the reality that many Americans are moving away from the reckless policies of total unrestricted access to abortion, Harris throws a tantrum about what she calls Trump’s “abortion bans” that supposedly show no mercy for rape or incest. Clearly, the Vice President is out of touch with the American public.

Jackson didn’t give up easily, pressing Harris further on any concessions she might be willing to entertain regarding religious exemptions for doctors. The response? A vehement dismissal of any compromises on what she labels a “fundamental freedom.” Apparently, ignoring the deeply-held beliefs of countless medical professionals is just one of the things in the name of so-called freedom for Harris. It raises the question: what happened to respecting individual rights? Pro-choice seems to have morphed into pro-coercion for those like Harris who simply cannot fathom a world where doctors might refuse to participate in something that contradicts their conscience.

In a rather puzzling yet familiar tactic, Harris took a jab at pro-life activists during a recent rally, sarcastically suggesting that they were at the “wrong rally” when they shouted “Jesus is Lord.” It seems Harris believes that faith can be conveniently set aside when it comes to abortion, implying that one can support abortion while maintaining one’s spiritual beliefs. This curious notion begs the question: What kind of spiritual gymnast must one be to twist core beliefs into a pretzel shape just to support a political agenda?

Interestingly, the American Association of Pro-Life OB-GYNs has pointed out an important statistic: the vast majority of OB-GYNs do not perform abortions, often due to ethical and moral convictions. Incredibly, Harris believes that forcing those dedicated to preserving life to facilitate abortions somehow lines up with the principles of freedom. It’s a classic case of the left’s perspective: freedom for me, but not for thee.

Written by Staff Reports

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