
Kamala Harris Skips Al Smith Dinner Breaking Tradition Since 1984 Prioritizes Swing States

Vice President Kamala Harris is opting out of the prestigious Al Smith Dinner, marking a significant break from tradition. In fact, this is the first time since 1984 that a Democratic presidential nominee has chosen to skip this annual Catholic charity event, a glaring indication of her campaign priorities. The dinner, which has showcased bipartisanship since its inception in 1960 with John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, seemingly holds less appeal for Harris, who appears more focused on battling for votes in swing states than mingling with Republican counterparts.

Harris’s team has rationalized the decision by claiming that she needs to invest her time in battleground states rather than attending an event in heavily Democratic New York. This prioritization raises eyebrows, especially given the charitable nature of the dinner, which supports children with serious medical needs. The apparent snub of a longstanding tradition reveals a troubling side of the current administration’s attitude toward bipartisanship and charity—an attitude that may not sit well with many Americans who value unity and goodwill.

Donald Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, wasted no time in critiquing Harris’s decision. His attendance at the dinner shines a light on the contrast between parties. While the Republican Party shows up to this event, the Democrats now consider it a burden. Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, expressed surprise over Harris’s absence, and even held out hope that she might reconsider. His remarks about the event being a celebration of unity highlight the striking neglect of these ideals by Harris and her team. 


The Cardinal’s observations have taken on a somewhat humorous tone as he shared insights from his conversations with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. It appears that the decision to skip the dinner may not have been Harris’s personal choice, but rather a directive from her campaign team. This relayed confusion is reminiscent of the chaotic narratives that have become trademark characteristics of the current administration, with Harris once again appearing to operate under someone else’s orders.

This situation isn’t just bad optics for Kamala Harris; it signals a deeper issue with the Democrats’ approach to leadership and public engagement. The fact that a vice president is so detached from a high-profile event designed to aid children reflects a troubling lack of empathy or connection to the very people she claims to represent. With her campaign strategy clearly focused elsewhere, voters should take heed. If Harris’s handlers are calling the shots now, one must wonder just who would be in control if she were to find herself in the Oval Office.

Written by Staff Reports

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