
Kamala Harris Spins Tall Tales at Debate While ABC Moderators Snooze

The latest episode of Kamala Harris’s grand performance at the presidential debate was nothing short of astounding. Within moments, she managed to weave a fantasy that left reality in the dust while the so-called moderators from ABC sat back and took a nap. Among her remarkable claims, she insisted that on January 6, 140 law enforcement officers were injured and some had died due to a “violent mob” incited by the president, demonstrating an astounding lack of fact-checking.

When it comes to the truth, one only needs to look at the details surrounding Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s death. Contrary to Harris’s dramatic rendition of events, Sicknick did not die from a fire extinguisher to the head as the media had widely reported. In fact, his death was ruled a result of natural causes—two strokes he suffered the next day; certainly not the “blood on the Capitol steps” narrative Harris and her pals so desperately need to maintain. This was, quite essentially, a case of a politically motivated storyline being slapped onto genuine tragedy without a hint of care for the facts involved.

Moving right along to another favorite mischaracterization, Harris invoked the infamous “very fine people” trope tied to the Charlottesville protests. According to her narrative, President Trump once hailed neo-Nazis as “very fine people.” However, a quick jog down memory lane reveals that Trump specifically condemned such vile groups. This distortion is so well-known its veracity has been independently debunked by organizations like Snopes. With Harris leaning into this narrative, one can only wonder if she believes repetition somehow fabricates reality.

Next up in Harris’s arsenal was the infamous “bloodbath” warning linked to Trump’s comments on the economy. In her retelling, it was a sinister threat directed at political opponents, when in reality, Trump was discussing the potential economic fallout should he lose the election. Calling the potential ramifications for the auto industry a “bloodbath” was a metaphoric warning about job losses and economic decline—very different from the blood-soaked battle Harris wanted voters to visualize. ABC’s moderators, ever so eager to let Democrat politicians detail their alternate universe, seemed unfazed by Harris’s liberties with the truth.

Then there was the mind-boggling back-and-forth about fracking. Harris claimed she has been against fracking all along—even as she switches positions faster than a political chameleon. In her past statements, she expressed support for a federal fracking ban, particularly during her primary campaign. Yet, when it came time to align with Biden on the ticket, her stance miraculously shifted to “not banning fracking.” Funny how that works when political survival is at stake.

Finally, Harris had the audacity to assert that Trump left the nation with the worst unemployment since the Great Depression. A quick check of the facts indicates she must have overlooked some critical historical data. When Trump departed office, the unemployment rate stood at 6.4 percent, miles better than the 10 percent peak under Obama. Moreover, throughout his presidency, Trump orchestrated a momentous economic recovery from the pandemic’s grip, which the Biden-Harris administration is riding for political gain. While they may tout the victorious numbers, it’s clear the groundwork was laid before their arrival.

In conclusion, the dramatic fabrications delivered by Kamala Harris at the debate echoed through a media chamber that appears uninterested in engaging with the truth. Instead, they embrace whatever narrative feeds their entrenched beliefs. This combination of half-truths and imaginative storytelling could easily keep a local community theater packed with laughter, albeit at the expense of the nation’s democracy and integrity. It’s a wonder how these distortions continue to fly under the radar while conservatives remain committed to uncovering the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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