
Kamala Harris Stumbles Through Town Hall With Evasive Answers And Flip-flops On Border Policy

Vice President Kamala Harris recently graced Delaware County, Pennsylvania, with her presence at a town hall event hosted by CNN, which might as well have been a masterclass in evasion. It’s no secret that the left is known for its smoke-and-mirrors act, but this time, Harris seemed to have brought along the entire magic show. When faced with direct questions, her responses were as vague as a politician in a campaign season, leaving the audience wondering if they missed an important memo on actual answers.

One of the more comedic highlights was when Harris was pressed on her ever-evolving stance regarding border policy. In 2019, she was all for free healthcare for illegal immigrants and thought decriminalizing illegal immigration sounded just splendid. Fast forward to 2023: after watching 10 million illegal immigrants flood the country on her and Joe Biden’s watch, she suddenly found a newfound love for the border wall she once branded as “racist.” Talk about a change of heart! It seems the pressure of an uncontrolled border wasn’t just a mere inconvenience; it called for a full 180-degree spin on her previous rhetoric.

To add to the chuckles, Harris attempted to blame former President Donald Trump for not sealing the deal on what she described as a “bipartisan border agreement” which would have generously permitted 5,000 illegal aliens to waltz into the U.S. every day. Her line was that Trump had made a mess of things, including halting a supposedly well-thought-out compromise to continue building the wall. CNN’s Anderson Cooper, ever the inquisitor, couldn’t help but needle the vice president on her apparent change of heart about the wall, provoking a response that fizzed out into her typical vagaries. Instead of a solid “yes” or “no,” she danced around a simple question about wanting to build the wall with the finesse of a contestant on a game show—just without winning any prizes.

She was also cornered on the awkward fact that she’s been in office for nearly four years yet still claims to be a “change” candidate. One must admire her ability to spin years of policy stagnation into a narrative about “more work to be done.” She must have attended the same messaging class as Joe Biden, where the first lesson is to make vague proclamations with zero accountability. When Cooper pushed about her lack of progress during her time in the White House, her response was the political equivalent of saying, “We’re working on it,” with a side of swirling confetti.

In a classic moment that felt more like a parody than a political discussion, Harris was asked about her weaknesses as a leader. Her self-deprecating humor echoed that of a goofy sitcom character, leaving those tuned in to wonder if they were watching a town hall or an episode of “The Office.” She giggled and humbly admitted she wasn’t perfect—an understatement that wouldn’t make it past the audition round of a reality show where real accountability is the end goal. By the time she was done discussing her “team of very smart people” and how she loves to “kick the tires,” the audience could only shake their heads in disbelief that such trite responses could come from the second-highest office in the land.

Harris’s town hall performance was so scattered and confused that it wasn’t merely a gaffe; it stood as a glaring reminder of the Biden-Harris administration’s ongoing struggle to present a coherent policy agenda. As the vice president navigates the complexities of her own contradictions, one has to wonder if she’s lost not just clarity but also the plot.

Written by Staff Reports

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