
Kamala Harris’s Extreme Views Too Radical Even for CNN Host

Kamala Harris has long been the unofficial poster child for radical extremism within the Democratic Party, but when even CNN finds her positions too extreme, it’s time to raise an eyebrow. Once considered fringe, her views are now so far left that they make Bernie Sanders look like a moderate by comparison. CNN’s Erin Burnett recently highlighted Harris’s extreme rhetoric from 2019, revealing that she was brazenly advocating for the abolition of ICE funding while proclaiming her intentions to end the supposed injustice of immigrant detention. If this was a baseball game, Harris would strike out before even swinging.

CNN’s K File unearthed some eye-popping details from a questionnaire Harris filled out for the ACLU, and the results are nothing short of alarming. Her aim was clearly to outflank even the likes of Sanders and Elizabeth Warren on the left, as she openly pledged to cut immigration detention by half and put a nail in the coffin of private and family detention facilities. Not content to stop there, she pushed for taxpayer-funded gender-transition surgeries for detained migrants. To put it plainly, she had a plan to make sure your tax dollars could help pay for someone else’s transition while they’re locked up. If that doesn’t raise suspicions about her judgement and priorities, what will?

Even Burnett, a CNN fixture, seemed disconcerted by the full scope of Harris’s proposals. She couldn’t help but express disbelief over the idea that such policies—like funding for gender transitions—were on the table for detained migrants. But here’s the kicker: this isn’t just about a few extreme ideas; it’s a window into Harris’s broader worldview, one where the whims of special interest groups appear to dictate national policy rather than the needs of American citizens. 


To make matters worse, while Harris now tries to cloak herself in the garb of a border security advocate, she’s been caught in a web of inconsistencies. Kaczynski pointedly noted that, despite her claims of being shaped by “three years of effective governance” under Biden, she’s shied away from clarifying her prior positions. It’s almost as if she’s attempting to scrub her record—and it’s hard not to suspect that her campaign is stuck in damage control mode as she prepares for the upcoming debate.

The Harris campaign, predictably, declined to comment on the ACLU questionnaire, opting instead for a vague declaration about evolving positions. Leaving voters in the dark about her actual stance seems to be the name of the game. As the debate looms, Americans are left wondering if she can successfully distance herself from her past while trying to reassess her image as a viable candidate. If there was ever a perfect storm of political panderings, it’s the spectacle of Kamala Harris, a woman determined to redefine herself after repeatedly being caught with her hand in the radical cookie jar.

Written by Staff Reports

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