
Kamala Harris’s Presidential Campaign Criticized as Empty and Avoidant

Kamala Harris is showcasing a masterclass in campaign strategy—specifically, how to run a presidential campaign about absolutely nothing. If there were an Olympic event for avoiding substance while simultaneously refusing to engage with the electorate, Harris would surely bring home the gold medal. Almost ironically, her approach is like that of a famous sitcom—a “Seinfeld” campaign where the storyline revolves around a protagonist doing, well, nothing notable.

Recently, Harris flubbed a chance to engage with the press. When asked a straightforward question about her debate preparation, the response was crickets. This wasn’t a tough inquiry meant to stump anyone; it was a friendly toss-up, one that any well-prepared candidate should’ve knocked out of the park. Instead, like a deer caught in headlights, Harris opted for total radio silence, which seems to be her go-to move these days. It is almost as if her campaign has embraced the value of enigmatic silence over engaging dialogue.

In a time when biting social commentary and absurd political antics have been the bread and butter of political writers everywhere, the dearth of comedic material since Biden’s exit has left many clamoring for content. The absurd trifecta of Biden’s word salads and Harris’s nonsensical excuse-making set the stage for a goldmine of comedic material, one that now seems scant. Following Harris’s coronation as the Democrats’ chosen one in a backroom deal, the previously gushing fountain of material has trickled down to barely a drip.

There’s much anticipation surrounding a potential Trump-Harris debate that promises to deliver comedy gold. It is rumored that Harris’s campaign may even attempt to dodge the debate altogether, seemingly on a mission to ensure that the public is fed nothing but empty rhetoric. The actual prospect that she might not show up leaves one scratching their head—does Harris fear debating Trump, or is she simply too busy working on her silence? Meanwhile, Trump, ever the crowd-pleaser, knows how to energize a room full of everyday Americans, making the contrast between him and Harris even more striking.

The reality is that while Harris continues to master the art of evasion, the Democrats’ agenda remains crystal clear: maintain power at all costs, even if it means steering clear of meaningful dialogue. Harris’s silence may be deafening, but her campaign is reminiscent of a sitcom that has jumped the shark, leaving audiences to wonder when—if ever—the show will have an actual plot. In a world thriving on debate and discussion, it’s hard to take a candidate seriously who seems content to showcase her talents at doing nothing.

Written by Staff Reports

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Kamala Harris’s Rise to Nominee Raises Questions About Democrat Leadership