
Kamala Smirks at Fears Over Sleepy Joe’s Age Bomb for 2024!

Vice President Kamala Harris is standing by President Joe Biden and his ability to lead, despite concerns about his age. With Biden turning 81 years old soon, many Democrats have questioned his cognitive ability and whether he should seek reelection in 2024. However, Harris is confident that Biden is more than capable of continuing his job.

Harris highlighted the achievements of the president since he took office earlier this year. She emphasized that actions speak louder than words and pointed to Biden’s work on improving America’s infrastructure and lowering the cost of insulin. She also mentioned his financial support for historically black colleges, which total almost $7 billion. According to Harris, these accomplishments should not be overshadowed by concerns about Biden’s age.

In Harris’s opinion, the focus should be on whether the president has delivered on his commitments and made a positive impact on people’s lives. She praised Biden for his track record of addressing important issues and improving the lives of Americans. In her view, that is what truly matters, not just his age.

While some may argue that Biden’s age is a significant factor in their voting decision, Harris urged supporters and Democrats to look beyond that. She believes that Biden’s accomplishments and dedication to fulfilling his promises should be the main considerations when assessing his suitability for the presidency.

In a recent poll, 72% of registered voters expressed that Biden’s age would influence their voting decision. This reflects a legitimate concern among the public. Additionally, a separate poll showed former President Donald Trump leading Biden in five key swing states, raising more doubts among Democrats about Biden’s chances of winning a second term. The challenge for Biden will be to determine whether seeking reelection is in the best interest of himself and the country, according to Democratic strategist David Axelrod.

It is clear that there are legitimate concerns about Biden’s age and his ability to continue effectively leading the nation. While Harris may be trying to downplay these concerns, it is crucial for voters to carefully assess the potential implications of having an octogenarian president. As the 2024 election approaches, it will become even more important to evaluate Biden’s fitness for office.

Written by Staff Reports

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