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Kamala’s Chaos: Baier Unveils Shocking Fox Interview Sabotage

In a shocking twist that has political analysts scratching their heads and leftists tossing their vegan salads in frustration, it appears that Donald Trump is not just running for president in 2024—he’s winning! Yes, you heard right. According to recent polling, Trump is leading in some key swing states, and that’s not an outlier in some obscure poll taken during a power outage in a basement somewhere. This is the Real Clear Politics average we’re talking about, folks! Even the betting markets are beginning to grimace at the thought of a Kamala Harris presidency. It looks like her stock is plummeting faster than a failing Netflix show.

As if the universe wasn’t already in full cartoon mode, things took a comical turn when Kamala Harris appeared on Fox News for an interview that went about as smoothly as a blender full of rocks. She showed up nearly 20 minutes late, which begs the question: Was she busy trying to figure out how to answer the tough questions, or was she just lost at her polling station? One could almost picture her staff waving their arms like they were signaling a plane in for a landing—“Abort! Abort! No time for questions! Quick, let’s ice the kicker!”

Brett Baier, the Fox News host, was practically playing a game of political dodgeball as he tried to keep Kamala from running out the clock during his precious interview. Imagine trying to have a serious discussion, and your guest is diving into filibusters like a kid going headfirst into a ball pit. Baier might have actually only managed to get out four questions during their time together. It’s like he was attempting to pull off a heist without ever getting through the front door!

And speaking of heists, Harris’s team seemed to be in full crisis mode. Reports indicate that they were literally dancing on the sidelines, trying to cut the interview short while the actual interview was still in progress. It’s a wonder she didn’t pull a disappearing act—a la David Copperfield—vanishing right before Baier could hit that big issue. It’s almost as if they were trying to keep the world from knowing just how out of touch she really is. “What’s that? People are unhappy with me? No, no, surely they must just be confused!”

When the dust settled and the dramatic gestures from her aides simmered down, what was left was an unforgettable image of a very frustrated vice president. There she was, storming away like a toddler denied dessert while all the memes flew faster than an Olympic sprinter. “May I finish?!” became her battle cry amid the chaos, as if the world didn’t already know how she and her party have mishandled governance.

The bottom line? Kamala Harris’s Fox appearance is just another brick in the wall for a party that feels like it’s teetering on the edge of a dive off a giant cliff into an abyss of political despair. With swing states slipping through her fingers like sand at a beach, it seems the only place she’s truly winning is in the contest of who can make the most entertaining evening news segment. As we barrel towards 2024, one thing becomes clear: If you’re counting on Harris to lead the charge, you might as well grab some popcorn and enjoy the show! After all, at this rate, it might be a long time before anyone sees her footing again.

Written by Staff Reports

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