
Kamala’s J6-9/11 Fiasco: Facts Twisted, Trust Lost

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round for another episode of “Kamala Makes a Comparison,” starring none other than Vice President Kamala Harris herself! In a recent video that has resurfaced, our beloved veep decided to equate the events of January 6, 2021, with the devastating terrorist attacks of 9/11. Yes, you heard that right! According to Kamala’s brilliant analysis, storming the Capitol is on the same level as the senseless act of violence that claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 innocent Americans. God save us all from such delusions!

Speaking on the first anniversary of the J6 riots, Harris boldly listed this event alongside other historic tragedies like the attack on Pearl Harbor. She seems to believe that these dates not only hold a place on our calendars but also in our collective memory. Well, Kamala, if you’re trying to etch a permanent place in history for your own political gain, congratulations! Mission accomplished.

But wait, there’s more! While President Joe Biden decided to skip the 9/11 ceremony (the first sitting president to do so in 22 years), Vice President Harris happily filled his shoes. Oh, what a team we have! Instead of honoring the memory of those we lost on that fateful day, Biden jetted off to Vietnam, leaving Harris to take center stage. It’s almost comical how their priorities align with their absence of leadership.

Now, let’s talk about the aftermath of the J6 riots. The Biden administration and their buddies in Congress have been busy using their power to make an example out of anyone associated with the protests. They’ve been wielding the Justice Department like a blunt instrument, doling out lengthy sentences left and right. But let’s not forget, folks, that these individuals were not plotting the murder of law enforcement officials. It’s quite a stretch to label their actions as terrorism when no intent for mass casualties was present. Talk about using a sledgehammer to swat a fly!

Of course, Harris’ comparisons and the actions taken against J6 participants have ignited a firestorm of criticism. One cannot help but ponder the implications of this pressure. It seems that the powerful influence of the Democrats extends beyond Capitol Hill and seeps into the companies involved. Take Liberty Safe, for example, who decided it was a grand idea to grant the FBI access to a gun safe belonging to a J6 participant. Are we witnessing the erosion of privacy rights in the name of political convenience? It sure seems that way!

And let’s not forget the poor souls languishing in jail while they await trial. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, bless her fiery spirit, has taken up the cause, leading tours of these jails and championing better treatment for those who are still presumed innocent. In America, we have a little thing called due process, but it seems the Democrats conveniently forget that when it suits their narrative.

Last but certainly not least, our favorite punching bag, former President Donald Trump, finds himself caught in the crosshairs yet again. Biden’s DOJ special counsel, Jack Smith, is wielding Civil War-era charges against Trump for his alleged involvement in the J6 events. It’s like a bad rerun of a show we’ve seen a thousand times before. But hey, why bother focusing on the present when you can always blame everything on Trump?

In conclusion, it seems that Kamala Harris and the Biden administration have made it their mission to rewrite history and demonize political opponents at every turn. With comparisons like these, it’s no wonder they’re struggling to gain the respect and trust of the American people. Perhaps they should take a step back, reevaluate their priorities, and lead with integrity, instead of resorting to fear-mongering and political theater. Just a thought.

Written by Staff Reports

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