
Kate Monroe Takes Border Crisis Head-On with Razor Wire Fix!

A California congressional candidate from the 49th district, Kate Monroe, isn’t holding back when it comes to securing the southern border. She made headlines by taking action into her own hands and purchasing 400 feet of razor wire to string along a highly trafficked area not currently addressed by the Biden administration. Monroe told Fox News that this move is about preventing a national security risk and shutting down a pipeline for migrants where up to 150 individuals can cross the border in a single minute.

In a compelling video posted on her social media, Monroe and her team were caught in action at “San Judas Break” in southern California, just a stone’s throw away from the Mexican city of San Judas. She didn’t mince words, stating that no one else, not even Congress or the president, had stepped up to secure this vulnerable spot on the border. Monroe emphasized that if you want something done, sometimes you’ve got to roll up your sleeves and do it yourself.

Like a true patriot, Monroe, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, expressed her frustration at the lack of action by officials, stating that she felt the anger of millions of Americans as they watched in horror at the influx of migrants crossing the border. She highlighted the serious consequences of porous border security, including the infiltration of terrorists, drugs, and human trafficking, putting a strain on local and national economies.

To add insult to injury, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol allegedly informed Monroe that they were not permitted to patch the hole at the border. Undeterred, Monroe took matters into her own hands and, along with her staff, installed the razor wire at the vulnerable spot. The support she received from Border Patrol, despite their hands being tied, highlights the dire need for action at the border.

Monroe also shed light on the sentiments of residents in her district, who range from fear to anger and disbelief as they witness the influx of single military-aged men flooding the area without proper vetting.

As a conservative congressional candidate, Monroe’s actions speak volumes about her commitment to national security and protecting the American way of life. In a political landscape where talk is cheap, she put her money where her mouth is and took the necessary steps to safeguard the border. This bold move is sure to resonate with voters who are fed up with empty promises and lackluster efforts to address the border crisis.

Written by Staff Reports

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