
Kennedy Nightmare Looms in 2024 Elections! Brace for Impact!

It seems that President Joe Biden has found himself with a Kennedy problem. Now, the United States has been dealing with the Kennedy problem since the Depression, but what’s interesting about today’s Kennedy problem is that it’s starting to cross party lines. You see, Robert Kennedy Jr., the 69-year-old son of the late Senator Robert Kennedy, has recently announced his candidacy for the 2024 Democratic presidential primary.

At first, experts didn’t pay much attention to Kennedy’s candidacy. However, in recent weeks, he has been gaining more and more media attention. Kennedy, who used to be an environmental lawyer but has now turned into an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist, is polling between 10 and 20% nationally. His left-leaning positions on the environment and corporations, along with his conspiracy theories, have caught the attention of some voters who might otherwise support Biden.

And let’s not forget about the Kennedy name, one of the most recognizable and beloved in Democratic politics. If Kennedy continues to gain momentum and secures the Democratic nomination, it could spell trouble for Biden. In fact, one of the biggest points that Kennedy might make, which isn’t mentioned by Julian Zelizer, is Biden’s declining mental and physical state. It’s like Zelizer is whistling past the graveyard and ignoring the elephant in the room.

If history repeats itself, Biden could face a fallout similar to what President Lyndon B. Johnson experienced in 1968. Senator Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota came in a strong second in the New Hampshire primary, and his success influenced Johnson’s decision not to run for reelection. Of course, McCarthy didn’t win the election, but Richard Nixon did. Nixon would have likely won anyway, but the entry of George Wallace as a “Dixiecrat” split the Democrat vote, making Nixon’s victory even more certain.

The interesting thing about Kennedy’s candidacy is the amount of crossover appeal he’s getting from the Right. Mostly, this appeal is due to his stance on COVID-19 issues. However, conservatives and libertarians should be wary. While they may agree with Kennedy on this issue, he is still an establishment liberal who will likely betray them on many other issues.

So, President Biden not only has a Kennedy problem, but the Right also has a Kennedy problem. Those who admire Kennedy’s stance on COVID-19 need to take a closer look at his positions on other important matters. It’s not just Biden who should be concerned—it’s everyone who values conservative principles.

In conclusion, Joe Biden is facing a Kennedy problem in the upcoming 2024 Democratic primary. Robert Kennedy Jr.’s candidacy is gaining traction, and his left-leaning positions and conspiracy theories could sway voters away from Biden. Furthermore, his crossover appeal to the Right is concerning, as he may not align with conservative values on other important issues. The Biden campaign and conservatives alike should carefully consider the implications of a Kennedy nomination and the potential fallout it could cause.

Written by Staff Reports

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