
Kinzinger Slammed by Ellis After Misusing Jesus to Bash Trump

In a recent Twitter exchange, former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger once again showed his deep-seated hatred for former President Donald Trump. Kinzinger, who has become a regular on CNN, seems to have nothing better to do than engage in pointless Twitter flame wars. It’s actually quite sad to see how far he has fallen since leaving office. But hey, if being a troll on social media is what gives him his fix, then who are we to judge?

In his latest attack, Kinzinger tried to invoke Jesus to support his anti-Trump agenda. He shared a screenshot of Jenna Ellis’ Twitter profile, where she describes herself as a “servant of Christ,” and claimed that Jesus didn’t support overthrowing elections. It’s truly pathetic that he would stoop so low as to use Jesus for his own political gain.

Thankfully, Jenna Ellis didn’t let his baseless accusations go unanswered. She reminded Kinzinger that under our rule of law, people are innocent until proven guilty and entitled to a fair trial. She also expertly pointed out that maybe, just maybe, Kinzinger should actually read the Gospel before making frivolous claims about Jesus. Ouch, burn!

It’s obvious that Kinzinger and his fellow Never Trumpers are driven solely by their hatred for the former president. They don’t care about the facts or the truth. They only care about tearing down anyone associated with Trump. Their obsession has blinded them to the principles they claim to stand for. It’s truly a shame to see how far they’ve fallen.

Written by Staff Reports

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