
Kirby Flubs on Border, Biden’s Blunders Bare for All!

The Biden administration’s border blunders were put on full display during a recent interview on Fox News. White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby tried to spin their lackluster border policies, but the truth couldn’t be hidden.

Kirby shamelessly claimed that President Biden has been worried about immigration since day one. But if that’s true, why has the border crisis only worsened under his watch? It’s clear that the Biden administration’s so-called concern is nothing more than empty rhetoric.

In a feeble attempt to save face, Kirby talked about creating legal pathways and enforcing existing laws. But talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words, and the Biden administration’s actions have only made the border situation more chaotic.

The most absurd part of the interview was when Kirby tried to justify the administration’s opposition to Texas putting wire along the border. Apparently, they removed the wire to give Border Patrol access to the river. Seriously? It’s as if their solution to border security is to make it easier for illegal immigrants to waltz into the country.

Host Martha MacCallum rightfully called out the lack of urgency from President Biden on securing the border. It’s becoming increasingly clear that the Biden administration’s border policy is nothing but a farce, and no amount of spin can change that.

Written by Staff Reports

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