
KJP’s Year of Gaffes: Masterclass in Political Evasion!

Karine Jean-Pierre’s first year as President Biden’s press secretary was like a rollercoaster ride of gaffes and dodging inconvenient facts. From elegant sidestepping to storming out of the briefing room and refusing to answer questions, 2023 was a year of masterful artistry in obfuscation.

Starting in January, KJP impressed the nation with her ability to spin Biden’s physical health as “super healthy” and “very active.” She assured everyone that we’d get to see the physical exam results in a “couple of months.” Well, the waiting continues, and the transparency bus made a U-turn and headed in the opposite direction.

Next up, the “transparent” White House decided to keep the existence of improperly held classified documents under wraps until after the midterms. When asked about it, KJP confidently claimed they were being “very transparent.” It seems like their definition of transparent involves a whole lot of invisibility cloaks and smoke and mirrors.

Fast forward to Biden’s FAA nominee, whose qualifications and experience seemed to include not knowing how airplanes stay in the air or basic safety rules for flying. KJP made musical silence when asked for examples of said qualifications and experience.

Don't forget KJP’s poetic response to questions about Hunter Biden. Two whole minutes of lashing out at reporters for even daring to bring up the subject. 

KJP’s take on visiting the border was like watching a magic show, where she insisted it was all fine and dandy while waving her wand to make the troubling issues disappear.

Throughout the year, KJP dazzled us with her prowess in dancing around tough questions, refusing to answer, and even embracing contradictions like they were her long-lost twins.


Written by Staff Reports

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