
LA Times Uses Heatwave Hysteria for Deceptive Politics!

In an op-ed published by the LA Times, Robin Abcarian, a columnist, used climate myths to attack a factually accurate article by Fox News. Her article begins by perpetuating an urban legend that this month has been the hottest on record.

Scientists have long known that the Earth has experienced warmer temperatures than it has today. During periods such as the Roman Warm Period and the Medieval Warm Period, temperatures were typically higher than they are now.

Abcarian criticizes Justin Haskins, the director of the Heartland Institute's Socialism Research Center, for claiming that climate change isn't causing wildfires to become worse. According to NASA, the global wildfires have decreased significantly since 1998.

The number of lands burned by wildfires has decreased significantly over the past decade. This is a consistent trend that has been observed during the period of modest global warming.

According to data from the National Fire Center, the amount of land that was burned by wildfires has increased significantly over the past couple of decades. With that in mind, who are the people going to believe this claim? Are they going to be individuals who rely on scientific data or are they going to be more concerned with supporting a socialist agenda?

In her article, Abcarian talks about the tragic deaths of individuals who died after they got lost in the heat of the desert. While it's possible that climate change caused these deaths, global warming actually saves lives. A study conducted by the Lancet revealed that more people die from cold than heat.

In the US, the CDC states that over twice as many people die due to exposure to excessive heat as they do due to exposure to excessive cold.

It is clear that Abcarian's attempts to discredit climate change and spread false information are driven by her political beliefs rather than by any scientific knowledge deficit. The leftist agenda behind this issue is apparent, as evidenced by statements made by executives of the UN and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's chief of staff.

It's no surprise that Abcarian would go after scientific data when those who threaten her leftist agenda are also attacking them. The LA Times should be embarrassed by how they published this type of misleading and biased content. It's another example of how mainstream media is manipulating the narrative in their favor.

Written by Staff Reports

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