
Landrieu Fumbles On Cnn Trying To Differentiate Kamala From Biden

Mitch Landrieu, the former mayor of New Orleans known for his celebrated, or perhaps infamous, takes on the Democratic ticket, is back in the public eye just in time to stir the pot on CNN. Recently, he was tasked with explaining the differences between Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden, a question that has apparently plagued Harris herself for a while. Spoiler alert: while Landrieu fancies himself an authority, his response was nothing short of a trainwreck.

During the interview, the host tactfully pointed out that Harris has stumbled on this seemingly simple query time and again. Instead of offering genuine insights, Landrieu’s attempt at a distinction was to highlight Harris’s gender and ethnicity. According to him, the main difference hinges on the fact that she’s “obviously a woman,” and, wait for it, “a woman of color” in a new generation. How profound. However, one has to wonder if her groundbreaking generational identity will ultimately mean anything when weighed against a staggering record of underwhelming performance.

Landrieu stumbled further by stating that Harris is “not Joe Biden,” a statement so obvious it barely warrants mention. Yet, he inadvertently underscored the real debate surrounding her candidacy: she is undeniably connected to the Biden administration. So, while Landrieu was busy trying to present a unique identity for Harris, he unwittingly reminded everyone that her political fortunes are intrinsically linked to Biden’s now-blemished legacy.

In a moment of political gymnastics, Landrieu proceeded to tout the supposed “historic gains” achieved under the Biden administration. This included a brief mention of the American Rescue Plan Act, without so much as a nod to its infamous byproduct—soaring inflation, which has left everyday Americans scrambling. But don’t worry, Landrieu reassured viewers that Harris is “working really, really hard” to lower costs for Americans. Is that so? If hard work counted for success, Americans wouldn’t be feeling squeezed at the grocery store or gas pump.

Landrieu’s spin ignored essential details that most voters are aware of, like Harris’s pivotal tiebreaking vote on the Inflation Reduction Act, which likely didn’t reduce any inflation at all. It’s almost as if he believes that wrapping failure in a shiny package will convince a skeptical public. While Harris and her aides throw around phrases like “fighting to lessen costs,” the reality is that the only battle they seem to be winning is the war against logical economic policies, with Nixonian inflation results playing out daily.

Kamala has proven time and again, from her lackluster debate performances against Trump to her dismal media appearances, that she struggles to forge a clear identity apart from the president. Landrieu’s attempt to frame her as some kind of trailblazer feels more like a misguided attempt to distract from the truth: Harris is as much a part of the Biden administration as the air freshener in the Oval Office, and worshiping her so-called uniqueness won’t make the mounting discontent of everyday Americans disappear.

Written by Staff Reports

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