
Latest White House Fumble: Dems and Lawyers Stumped by Hunter Drug Query Response

The recent discovery of cocaine at the White House in the West Wing has raised some serious questions, and the responses from White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates have only made things more troubling. When asked about transparency in the investigation, Bates refused to commit, stating that he would not engage in hypotheticals. This lack of willingness to be transparent is concerning and raises doubts about the integrity of the investigation.

But it gets even worse. Bates was then asked about comments made by former President Donald Trump, speculating whether the cocaine could belong to either Joe or Hunter Biden. Bates had the perfect opportunity to put these rumors to rest by stating that the cocaine did not belong to the Bidens. However, he chose not to do so and instead gave a weak excuse.

Bates claimed that he couldn’t give a definitive answer because of the Hatch Act, a law that limits political activities by federal employees. This excuse is completely irrelevant and nonsensical. The Hatch Act has nothing to do with whether or not the cocaine is owned by the Bidens. Bates should have been able to unequivocally state that the drugs did not belong to them, but instead, he chose to deflect and attack Trump’s record.

The fact that Bates resorted to attacking Trump rather than addressing the question at hand is deeply concerning. It suggests that there may be something more to this story that the White House is trying to hide. Attorney Bradley P. Moss even expressed confusion over Bates’ reference to the Hatch Act, stating that he couldn’t understand why Bates believed it was relevant in this context.

Former Bush administration ethics chief Richard Painter also chimed in, calling Bates’ excuse ridiculous. He explained that the Hatch Act does not cover snorting cocaine, so there is no valid reason for Bates to bring it up. This diversion tactic only serves to further raise suspicions about the involvement of the Biden administration in this drug scandal.

It is worth noting that the Biden administration has shown a lack of concern for the Hatch Act in other instances. They have no problem with their officials openly supporting the political slogan “Mega MAGA,” which has already been determined to be a violation of the Hatch Act. This hypocrisy only underscores the disingenuousness of Bates’ excuse.

Perhaps the most egregious response to this situation came from Chris Jackson, a Democratic official, who shared a clip of Bates attacking Trump’s policies while acting in his capacity as the White House Deputy Press Secretary. This blatant display of bias and political maneuvering only serves to further muddy the waters and raises questions about the credibility of the investigation.

In conclusion, the responses from Andrew Bates regarding the cocaine found at the White House have been deeply troubling. His refusal to commit to transparency and his weak excuse invoking the Hatch Act only serve to raise suspicions about the involvement of the Biden administration. The White House needs to provide clear answers and address these concerns in order to restore trust and credibility.

Source= RedState

Written by Staff Reports

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