
Lawmakers’ Unique Unity with McCarthy: Is Bipartisanship Alive?

A group of lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives are teaming up to press House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to establish a select committee to investigate Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), also commonly known as unidentified flying objects (UFOs). This bipartisan group, which includes Republicans Matt Gaetz, Anna Paulina Luna, and Tim Burchett, along with Democrat Jared Moskowitz, want to shed light on the Pentagon’s alleged lack of transparency regarding UAPs. They argue that Congress should have access to all information, even if it involves sensitive government programs.

The lawmakers have penned a letter to McCarthy, calling for the creation of a Select Committee that would have subpoena authority to gather information from the Pentagon and other sources. They emphasize that this issue goes beyond the news cycle and represents a larger problem of the Executive Branch withholding information from Congress. They believe that by investigating the government’s response to UAPs, Congress can address other important issues of government oversight and transparency.

This request for a Select Committee demonstrates a rare moment of bipartisan agreement in the House. It shows that lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are concerned about the lack of forthrightness from the Pentagon and the intelligence community. Establishing this committee would allow Congress to fulfill its constitutional and legislative roles by providing the public with the information they deserve and holding the government accountable.

Editorial Opinion: It’s refreshing to see lawmakers reaching across party lines to address an important issue. The lack of transparency when it comes to UAPs is concerning, and the government needs to be held accountable for its actions. Establishing a Select Committee is a necessary step in ensuring that Congress has access to all relevant information and can fulfill its oversight duties effectively. The American people deserve to know the truth about UAPs, and this committee can help facilitate that transparency.

Written by Staff Reports

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