
Lawsuit to Expose CIA-Hunter Biden Hoax: Blinken’s Dirty Secret!

In a shocking turn of events, the legal watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit demanding CIA records related to a letter that spread false information about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Can you believe it? These so-called “intelligence officials” signed a letter claiming that the laptop was filled with Russian disinformation. But fear not, conservatives, because this lawsuit is seeking to expose the truth!

It’s well known that this letter had a major impact on the 2020 election. Polling has shown that people actually believed this nonsense. Can you imagine? People actually fell for the lies spread by these former intelligence officials. It just goes to show how desperate the left was to discredit President Trump and his family.

The lawsuit, filed under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), is demanding all records and communications regarding an email that was circulated by former CIA Acting Director Mike Morell. This email, sent just days before the second presidential debate, claimed that the New York Post’s story on Hunter Biden’s laptop was nothing more than Russian disinformation. How convenient, right?

But here’s where it gets juicy. Morell, in sworn testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, actually named Secretary of State Anthony Blinken as the person who pressured him to circulate the letter. That’s right, folks, someone within the Biden campaign was pulling the strings to push this false narrative. Talk about election interference!

According to Judicial Watch, Morell wrote to the Prepublication Classification Review Board (PCRB) and asked them to approve the letter, calling it a “rush job.” And guess what? They approved it without hesitation. It’s clear that this whole ordeal was just a coordinated effort to smear President Trump and his family. They stopped at nothing to ensure Joe Biden’s victory.

It’s no surprise that the CIA is stonewalling Judicial Watch’s requests for records. They probably don’t want the truth to come out. But we, as conservatives, won’t stand for this. We demand transparency and accountability. The American people deserve to know the truth about what really happened with Hunter Biden’s laptop and the disinformation campaign that surrounded it.

It’s time to expose the lies and corruption of the left. This lawsuit is just the first step in uncovering the truth. We must hold these former intelligence officials and those who pressured them accountable for their actions. The American people deserve better than being lied to and manipulated for political gain. Let’s make sure the truth prevails!

Written by Staff Reports

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Unveiling Truth: Lawsuit Demands CIA Records of Hunter Biden’s Shady Laptop Saga