
Left-Leaning Media Awakens to Border Surge Under Biden’s Watch

In a surprising turn of events, a correspondent for NBC News, Guad Venegas, reported from the U.S. southern border in Eagle Pass, Texas, on “MSNBC Reports” and acknowledged the unprecedented size of the migrant crowds. This revelation, coming from a left-wing outlet, raised eyebrows as it is often criticized for downplaying problems associated with Democrat presidents.

Venegas stunned viewers by declaring that the current group of migrants is the largest he and his colleagues have ever seen in Eagle Pass in the "years" they have been reporting in the area. He attributed the surge to large caravans moving through Mexico in late October, expecting them to reach the border in November or December.

The correspondent highlighted that the surge is not confined to Texas but is happening in Arizona, parts of California, and various border regions. Venegas pointed to the end of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's term as a contributing factor, blaming lax policing at the U.S.-Mexican border without explaining why American border security should be dependent on Mexican efforts.

Venegas reported about 2,000 illegal immigrants waiting to be processed, with more arriving continuously. He depicted a chaotic scene with U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers attempting to process migrants quickly and load them onto buses in an overwhelmed holding area.

He concluded the segment by suggesting that "something" had changed in Mexico, though specifics were omitted. Venegas did not address migrants from countries like Guinea, Bangladesh, and India.

The article speculates whether the surge could be timed around the 2024 election, with migrants attempting to enter the U.S. before President Joe Biden leaves office. It calls for action to secure the border, framing it as a crucial step to save the country from the chaos caused by liberal policies.

This acknowledgment from a left-leaning outlet underscores the severity of the border situation and suggests that addressing this issue should be a priority, regardless of political affiliations.






Written by Staff Reports

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