
Leftist Plot to Silence Patriots: Nevada Targets “Fake Electors”!

Once again, the leftists are coming after those who dare to stand up for election integrity. A Nevada grand jury has returned an indictment against six brave and patriotic alternate electors who were ready to object to the questionable 2020 election results if Vice President Mike Pence called upon them. But alas, Pence chose not to acknowledge these alternate electors, and yet, these charges are being brought against them now, conveniently right before the 2024 election. Can you smell the political agenda?

Among the charged alternate electors are Michael McDonald, the Nevada State Party GOP chair, and Jim DeGraffenreid, the vice chair. They are being labeled as “fake electors” by the regime-friendly media outlets. How convenient that our alternative voices are always dismissed and demonized. But Daniel James Hindle III, Shawn Meehan, Eileen Rice, and Jesse Law, the chair of the Clark County Republican Party, are also facing charges. It seems that anyone who dares to question the left’s grip on power becomes a target.

These charges include offering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged instrument, which are felonies under Nevada law. But let’s not forget that these so-called “fake” elector certificates were meant to bring attention to the irregularities and potential fraud that plagued the 2020 election. They were simply trying to shed light on a system that many Americans feel is broken. Is it really a crime to demand transparency and accountability? Apparently, in the eyes of the radical left, it is.

Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford, a Democrat, is shamelessly using this opportunity to state, “We cannot allow attacks on democracy to go unchallenged.” Oh, the hypocrisy! Where was this concern for attacks on democracy when evidence of potential fraud and irregularities was being presented? The left only likes democracy when it serves their agenda. But mark my words, these charges are nothing more than an attempt to silence dissent and ensure that the power remains firmly in the hands of the leftist elites.

And it’s not just Nevada. Michigan and Fulton County have also brought charges against alternate electors and even former President Trump himself. These politically motivated charges are trying to send a clear message: anyone who dares to question the left’s narrative will be targeted and vilified.

We must not let the left silence us. We must continue to fight for election integrity and demand that every legal vote be counted. These charges are nothing more than a desperate attempt to intimidate and suppress those who seek the truth. It’s time for conservatives to rally against these unfair tactics and protect our sacred democratic process from those who seek to undermine it for their own gain.

Written by Staff Reports

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