
Leftists Launch Cyberattack on Bongino’s Site: Fear of Truth Exposed!

Dan Bongino, the conservative host of “The Dan Bongino Show”, has revealed that his website,, was hit by a coordinated cyberattack in what appears to be a leftist assault on conservative media. During a segment discussing the recent power transition from George Soros to his son Alexander, viewers were denied access to the website due to a “massive DDoS attack.” It should come as no surprise that cyber attacks against conservative media are not uncommon, with Jack Posobiec, the senior editor at Human Events, experiencing a similar attack on his website just after releasing a damning report on the Biden family.

Unfortunately, the liberal elite and their globalist agenda cannot handle the truth and will stop at nothing to silence conservative voices. Bongino and Posobiec join the ranks of other conservative media outlets, such as The Daily Fetched, who have also been attacked for simply reporting the truth. This is yet another example of the left’s obsession with controlling the narrative and silencing anyone who dares to speak out against their agenda.

It is crucial that conservatives continue to share the truth, even in the face of coordinated and malicious attacks. We must stand together against these cowards and keep fighting for the conservative principles that made this country great. The left may try to silence us, but they will never defeat us.

Written by Staff Reports

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