
LGBTQ+ Activists’ Bomb Threats Terrorize Target: Left-Wing Extremism Exposed

Self-proclaimed LGBTQ+ activists seem to be conducting a terror campaign against Target stores throughout the United States in response to the retail giant’s decision to back down in its Pride campaign controversy. On Saturday, numerous Target stores in Louisiana were targeted with bomb threats, but thankfully, no bombs were found. Emails received by media outlets in the state accused Target of pandering to “far-right extremists” who allegedly sought to “eradicate the LGBTQ+ community.”

“We will not tolerate intolerance nor indifference. If you are not with us, then you are against us. That is why we placed a bomb in each of your locations,” one of the emails said, emphasizing that the bombings are intended to cause economic harm.

Similar bomb threats were reported across the country, with at least nine Target locations in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Utah receiving similar threats. The email received by local news outlets urged Target to bring back their LGBT merchandise, stating that they will not be erased and won’t go quietly.

It is essential to note that self-proclaimed “activists” are responsible for the terror campaign, no better than the very terrorists we’ve fought against for years. It is unacceptable to use violence as a means to advance one’s political agenda and force a corporation into changing its marketing decisions. It is yet another example of left-wing extremism promoted under the guise of promoting equality and tolerance.

Target faced significant criticism after introducing Pride clothing items, including “tuck-friendly” bathing suits designed for transgender individuals to achieve a more feminine appearance. The decision resulted in a significant decrease in the company’s stock price, amounting to billions in value and reaching levels lower than seen before 2020.

However, it is not only Target feeling the backlash from the LGBT community’s outlandish demands, Bud Light is also experiencing a decline in sales due to collaborating with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. The company reported a 23% drop in year-over-year sales in May, following their failed attempt to appease the left’s radical agenda.

It is time to realize that the left-wing agenda is more interested in promoting division and hate than unity and tolerance. The violent tactics used by “activists” have no place in civilized society and need to be condemned by all who value democracy and freedom. Follow Kyle Becker on Twitter @kylenabecker.

Source: Trending Politics

Written by Staff Reports

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