
Liberal Lunacy: Strippers’ Bill of Rights in WA!


The liberal madness in Washington state continues as they consider a so-called “strippers’ bill of rights.” That’s right, folks, while hardworking Americans are struggling to make ends meet, the politicians in Washington are busy championing the rights of adult dancers. Who knew that stripping was such an essential industry?

According to the Associated Press, the proposals aim to provide compensation protections and mandatory security for adult dancers. Because apparently, we can’t have strippers going about their business without the government stepping in to regulate every aspect of their lives. Leave it to the left to find a way to infringe on personal freedom and entrepreneurial spirit.

One of the proposals being considered would limit the amount of money strippers have to pay to the clubs. Can you believe it? These hardworking club owners provide a platform for these dancers to showcase their talents, and now they want to cap their fees. It’s just another example of the socialist agenda creeping into our lives, trying to control the free market.

But it doesn’t stop there. The proposals also include a whole laundry list of security measures. Because apparently, strippers can’t be trusted to take care of themselves. They want keypad codes for dressing rooms and sexual harassment training for employees. It’s as if they think these dancers are incapable of making decisions for themselves and need the government to hold their hands. It’s insulting, to say the least.

And let’s not forget about the push to legalize the sale of alcohol in strip clubs. Because apparently, alcohol makes everything safer and more equitable. Who knew that a few shots of tequila could solve all our problems? I’m sure the people of Washington will sleep better at night knowing that strip clubs can serve alcohol.

It’s clear that these proposals are just another example of the left’s attempt to regulate every aspect of our lives. They want to dictate how much money strippers can make, what security measures must be in place, and even what they can drink. It’s an assault on personal freedom and the free market. So the next time you see a stripper on stage, remember that they are the victims of liberal overreach.

Written by Staff Reports

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