
Liberal Media Frenzy Over Biden Remark Exposed as Nothingburger

In Tuscaloosa, Alabama, the liberal media is at it again, trying to stir up trouble for President Joe Biden. They’re making a big fuss over a comment he made about not running for reelection if former President Donald Trump wasn’t in the race. Biden’s 2024 campaign team was forced to address these ridiculous inquiries, with the president’s principal deputy campaign manager, Quentin Fulks, and former Alabama Senator Doug Jones, stepping up to defend their leader.

Fulks and Jones made it clear that there’s nothing newsworthy about Biden’s statement. They reminded the media that Biden had also emphasized the threat Trump posed in the 2020 election. This comment came from a campaign reception in Boston, Massachusetts, where Biden reportedly said, “If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running.” This harmless statement quickly became headline news, and even Trump couldn’t resist taking a jab at Biden during a Fox News event in Iowa. It seems like the liberals are always ready to pounce on anything the president says.

But wait, there’s more! The media also questioned whether the Democratic Party should consider nominating a different candidate in 2024, given polling showing a generic Democrat performing better than Biden. Fulks shut down this nonsense by asserting that Biden is “the best person to lead America.” He didn’t stop there – he boldly declared that the American people don’t care about Biden’s age or any other trivial matters; they’re focused on important issues like reproductive freedom, gas prices, and inflation.

The liberal media tried to corner the Biden campaign with concerns about the comment potentially undermining Democratic support, but Fulks didn’t fall for it. He rejected the notion that the comment would sway voters and redirected the conversation to Trump’s rhetoric, calling out the media for their skewed focus. It’s clear that the left-leaning media is more interested in creating drama than reporting the real concerns of voters.

To top it off, Biden’s primary challengers, Rep. Dean Phillips and author Marianne Williamson, chimed in with their criticism, calling Biden “delusional.” They pointed to his low approval numbers and losses in various polls to Trump. But let’s not forget that these are just two less prominent Democratic challengers grasping at straws.

So, once again, the liberal media has tried to twist a non-issue into a scandal. But the Biden campaign isn’t letting them get away with it. It’s time for the American people to see through the media’s biased agenda and focus on what really matters – and that’s keeping Biden in the White House to lead the country forward.

Written by Staff Reports

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Liberal Media Frenzy Over Biden Remark Exposed as Nothingburger