
Liberal Media Ignores Trump Rally Heroism as Secret Service Thwarts Assassination Attempt

Once again, the liberal media conveniently skirts around the heroism and sheer bravery displayed at a recent Trump rally in Pennsylvania. Former President Donald Trump, attending a rally in Butler, found himself the target of a would-be assassin with the kind of boldness that rivals only the most audacious of Hollywood action films. Enter a 20-year-old agitator named Thomas Matthew Crooks, who is likely to become a new darling of the mainstream media’s skewed narrative.

Crooks didn’t just attend the rally to listen from a safe distance; he climbed to the roof—like something out of a low-budget spy thriller—armed with a rifle. As if that wasn’t brazen enough, he pointed his weapon at a local police officer who courageously confronted him. Rather than steering clear of harm’s way, the officer engaged with him—an act of valor, although not the smartest tactical move.

In true liberal fashion, Crooks then aimed his rifle at Trump and pulled the trigger. The commander-in-chief’s swift reaction saved his life as the bullet only grazed his ear. Thanks to the prompt action of Secret Service snipers, who aren’t exactly paid by George Soros, the situation could have been more disastrous. Sadly, this showdown resulted in the unfortunate loss of a former fire chief who was simply there to support the President.

Federal investigators, finally showing a hint of competence, have stated that Crooks used a gun purchased by his father at least six months ago. One might wonder if the kind of investigation that usually takes decades has miraculously wrapped up overnight. According to the FBI, Crooks apparently acted alone, and there were no ominous social media posts to raise suspicions. Why is it that every time a domestic terrorist surfaces without the classic red flags, the mainstream media acts surprised? 


And as if this entire event wasn’t surreal enough, President Joe Biden had the gall to call Trump, expressing his so-called condolences. Perhaps this conversation provided a rare moment where Biden remembered which office he currently occupies, but even so, the gesture drips with the sort of hollow sympathy liberals are known for. Trump, ever the statesman, reported that he’s maintaining his great spirits, showing yet again the resilience and unmatched fortitude that won him the love of millions.

While the liberal media will likely continue their hand-wringing and virtue signaling, what should not be forgotten is the exceptional professionalism of the Secret Service and the continuing strength of Trump, both of which America sorely needs right now. The attack serves as a stark reminder of the perils faced by those who dare to challenge the leftist orthodoxy—though trying to silence Trump will only amplify his voice.

Written by Staff Reports

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