
Liberal Media Targets Melania for Caring for Her Sick Mom at Christmas

Melania Trump, the former First Lady of the United States, found herself in the crosshairs of the liberal media once again over the Christmas holiday. Numerous hit pieces were churned out about her absence from the Trump family Christmas photo, with speculations and snide remarks flying about like bats in a belfry.

The mainstream media, always eager to stir up drama and create a scandal where there is none, could not help themselves but to delve into the seemingly earth-shattering mystery of Melania’s absence. Page Six, East Bay Times, and The Daily Mail were just some of the outlets eagerly trying to stir up controversy.

However, the truth behind Melania’s absence is simple and quite touching, actually. The former First Lady was busy attending to her 78-year-old mother, Amalija Knavs, who was very ill and in the hospital. A source close to Melania told Fox News Digital that she has always been devoted to her family, so it should be of no surprise that she spent Christmas by her mother’s side.

The Trump family photo, shared by Kimberly Guilfoyle, revealed a festive gathering at Mar-a-Lago, with Donald Trump, his offspring, their spouses, and children all present for the holiday merriment. Yet, the media chose to fixate on Melania’s absence, completely overlooking the real reason behind it.

And let’s not forget, the media also conveniently ignored the absence of Eric Trump and his wife Lara from the group photo, showing their blatant bias once again. It’s just one more instance in a long line of media hoaxes aimed at discrediting the Trump family.

In conclusion, Melania Trump’s absence from the family photo was simply due to her caring for her sick mother, and the media’s attempts to spin this into a scandal are nothing more than another pathetic hoax. The biased reporting and obsession with the Trump family’s every move only further exposes the mainstream media’s true colors. It’s no wonder more and more Americans are turning to reliable conservative sources for their news.

Written by Staff Reports

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