
Liberal Spin Masks Illegal’s Role in UGA Student Slaying!

The tragic murder of Laken Riley on the University of Georgia’s campus has left the nation reeling, but leave it to the liberal media to downplay the brutal reality. Instead of addressing the root cause of this senseless crime – the fact that the perpetrator, Jose Antonio Ibarra, was an illegal alien allowed to roam free due to Biden’s weak immigration policies – the Associated Press and other outlets have twisted the story to fit their own agenda.

The headlines focus on so-called “toxic masculinity” and the fears of female athletes, completely ignoring the fact that this horrific murder was committed by an illegal alien who shouldn’t have been in the country in the first place. It’s no wonder that conservatives are fed up with the biased reporting coming from these mainstream media sources.

The sense of safety that many women once felt on the University of Georgia campus has been shattered by this heinous crime. Women are now even more hypervigilant about their safety, and with good reason. Statistics show that the majority of women fear for their safety, and many have experienced harassment while out exercising. Running groups and forums are now emphasizing safety tips for women, encouraging them to run during daylight hours, avoid headphones, and carry pepper spray. But why aren’t we focusing on teaching men not to assault women? It’s a question that the liberal media conveniently ignores in favor of their own narrative.

The truth is, Laken’s murder was preventable. If Ibarra had been deported after his previous arrests, this tragedy might never have occurred. He was arrested not once, but twice before the murder, and yet he was allowed to remain in the country. It’s a clear example of the failures of Biden’s immigration policies and the soft-on-crime approach taken by liberals.

Conservative commentator Mary Katherine Ham, a University of Georgia alum, didn’t hold back in criticizing the Associated Press for their biased reporting. She pointed out the absurdity of the media’s narrative and their refusal to acknowledge the real issue at hand.

It’s time for the media to stop downplaying the role of illegal immigration in these tragic events and start holding the Biden administration accountable for their failures. The safety and security of American citizens should always come first, and it’s time for the media to start telling the whole story, without their own biased spin.

Written by Staff Reports

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