
Liberal Tears Flow as Failing MSNBC Axes Muslim Host – Ratings Don’t Lie!

The liberal media is at it again, throwing a tantrum over MSNBC’s decision to pull the plug on Mehdi Hasan’s weekend program. They’re crying foul, claiming that removing a Muslim host during Israel’s war with Gaza is some kind of grave mistake. But let’s not forget, folks, that MSNBC is a private company and has every right to make programming decisions based on whatever factors they deem necessary. It’s called capitalism, and last time I checked, we conservatives are big fans of that.

According to The Washington Post, a bunch of left-wing crybabies, including Democratic congressmen and former MSNBC hosts, were up in arms about the news. They were quick to praise Hasan for supposedly being the only host on the network who dares to challenge his guests, especially representatives of the Israeli government. Well, isn’t that just peachy? I guess the rest of the hosts on MSNBC must just be nodding in agreement like a bunch of bobbleheads.

But the truth of the matter is that Hasan’s demotion had nothing to do with his so-called “grilling” of guests. Nope, it was plain and simple economics. The guy just wasn’t bringing in the viewership numbers that advertisers drool over. In fact, his show regularly trailed behind the competition in the coveted 25-to-54 demographic. So sorry, liberals, but it looks like your hero just wasn’t cutting it in the ratings game.

And let’s not forget about Hasan’s track record of absurd hyperbole. This is a man who has compared former President Trump to Adolf Hitler, for crying out loud. Can you imagine the reaction if a conservative host made such a comparison? The liberal media would be calling for their head on a platter. But of course, when Hasan does it, it’s just business as usual over at MSNBC.

Speaking of MSNBC, President Trump recently called out CEO Brian Roberts of Comcast, the network’s parent company, for allowing his network to spew anti-Trump propaganda while raking in profits from the government airwaves. And let me tell you, folks, the President has a point. MSNBC is nothing but a 24-hour hit job on Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party. It’s about time someone called them out on their biased reporting.

So let the liberal media howl all they want, but the truth is that MSNBC made a smart business decision by taking Hasan off the air. It’s time for hosts like him to realize that viewers actually want fair and balanced reporting, not biased rants and baseless comparisons. But I won’t hold my breath for that to happen anytime soon. After all, MSNBC seems to have made a lucrative business out of peddling left-wing propaganda.

Written by Staff Reports

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