
Liberal WashPost in $100M Hot Water for 2023. Find Out Why!

The left-wing Washington Post is in big trouble! It looks like they’re going to lose a whopping $100 million this year. Woof! That’s a lot of dough. It seems like the paper is really suffering after the good ol’ days of Trump. Maybe folks are finally realizing that the Post isn’t all that great at honest reporting. Especially when it comes to covering Biden’s scandals. Yikes!

But the real kicker is that an IRS whistleblower’s attorney warned the Post about being complicit in Hunter Biden’s crimes. That’s a big accusation! The attorney said that if the Post stayed silent on certain things, they would be just as guilty as Hunter. Double yikes!

But hold on a sec, folks. The whistleblower, Gary Shapley, says he never even talked to the Washington Post. He’s demanding that they come clean and tell the truth. Looks like things are getting messy over at the Post.

And it’s not just their credibility that’s taking a hit. Oh no, their wallets are hurting too. RedState says they’re looking at a $100 million loss in 2023. Ouch! It seems like ever since the 2020 election, the Post has been losing subscribers faster than a cheetah on roller skates. Maybe people aren’t as interested in Biden as they were in Trump. Just a thought.

Even their big boss, Jeff Bezos, couldn’t save the day. He bought the Post way back in 2013 for a cool $250 million, but it looks like that investment might be going down the drain. The Post’s famous saying, “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” isn’t sounding so convincing anymore.

So, sorry Washington Post, but it looks like you’ve got some serious problems on your hands. Maybe it’s time to rethink your approach to journalism. Just saying.

Written by Staff Reports

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