
Liberals Caught Spreading Fake Protest Video!

It seems that the liberals just can’t resist spreading fake news, especially when it comes to protests. A video making the rounds on X claims to show a recent protest led by French farmers. But guess what? It’s all a big fat lie! The claim is false, folks.

So, what’s the truth behind this viral video? Well, it turns out that the footage is actually from 2015 protests in Belgium by those wacky Belgian farmers. Yep, you heard that right, Belgium! The video is made up of two clips that were cleverly stitched together to deceive unsuspecting viewers.

The first clip, uploaded by El Diario, matches the beginning of the fake video perfectly. It shows a green and yellow tractor and white police vehicles, with the sound of blaring horns in the background. And guess what the protest was about? The price of milk. Really, farmers? Milk prices? That’s some riveting stuff.

The second clip, uploaded by The Associated Press, is a seven-second snippet that matches another part of the fake video. It shows farmers using a tractor to spray straw at police during a demonstration in Brussels. Seriously, who protests with straw? That’s like throwing a temper tantrum with cotton balls. So intimidating.

But wait, it gets better. Not only is this video fake, but there is zero evidence to suggest that it’s linked to any recent protests in France. Not a single credible news report supports this claim, folks. It’s just another sad attempt by the left to stir up trouble and push their agenda.

And of course, French President Emmanuel Macron has remained silent on this whole debacle. Maybe he’s too busy trying to figure out how to raise taxes on hardworking farmers to pay for his luxurious lifestyle. Typical liberal elitist, am I right?

So, don’t fall for the lies, folks. The video circulating on X is nothing more than a shameless attempt to deceive and manipulate. It’s time to demand the truth and hold these fake news peddlers accountable. Let’s support our farmers and stop spreading left-wing propaganda disguised as facts. Together, we can weed out the lies and make America great again!

Written by Staff Reports

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