
Liberals Erase Obama Scandals: MSNBC’s Revisionist History Exposed!

In a stunning display of liberal revisionist history, The New Yorker’s Susan Glaser made a bold claim during her appearance on MSNBC. According to Glaser, one of the reasons former President Barack Obama is still popular among Democrats is because he had no scandals during his administration. Are you kidding me, Susan? Did you conveniently forget about the laundry list of scandals that plagued Obama’s time in the White House?

Let’s start with the Fast and Furious scandal, where the Obama administration allowed guns to illegally flow into Mexico, resulting in the death of a Border Patrol agent. Then there’s the Solyndra scandal, where Obama’s Department of Energy wasted billions of taxpayer dollars on a green energy company that went bankrupt. And let’s not overlook the IRS scandal, where conservative non-profit organizations were unfairly targeted and harassed by the very agency that is supposed to remain impartial.

But wait, there’s more! How about the disgraceful Taliban Five prisoner swap, where Obama traded five high-ranking Taliban terrorists for the release of Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl? It was a slap in the face to our brave men and women in uniform and put American lives at risk.

To claim that Obama’s administration was scandal-free is not only ludicrous, but it’s also an insult to the American people’s intelligence. It’s no wonder that Democrats continue to hold Obama up as their golden boy. They are desperate to cling to the illusion of his “clean” legacy, even if it means ignoring the truth.

Glaser’s attempt to paint Obama as some kind of virtuous leader is laughable. Perhaps she should take a closer look at the facts and stop drinking the liberal Kool-Aid. The American people deserve to know the truth about Obama’s scandal-ridden administration, and it’s our job to hold him and his supporters accountable.

So, let’s not be fooled by the left’s fairy tales and revisionist history. Obama had his fair share of scandals, and it’s about time we shed light on the truth. The American people deserve leaders who are honest, transparent, and free from corruption. It’s time to move past the era of scandal and focus on building a stronger, more prosperous future for our great nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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