
Liberals Target Trump Electors: Desperate Dems Unleash Phony Lawsuit Circus!

Well, well, well, it seems like we’ve got ourselves a good ol’ fashioned liberal witch hunt on our hands in the state of Wisconsin. According to the biased folks over at Just the News, ten of the alternative electors for Donald Trump in the 2020 election and two of the former president’s lawyers are facing the terrifying prospect of a civil lawsuit. Can you believe it?

Now, the allegations against these fine defenders of democracy are just downright laughable. Apparently, the Democrats are claiming that these Republicans were part of a pro-Trump conspiracy to overturn the presidential election. Oh, please! We all know that Trump won fair and square, despite what those sore losers on the left might say.

But here’s the kicker, folks. A judge actually refused to motion to dismiss the case, allowing this circus of a lawsuit to move forward. Dane County Circuit Judge Frank Remington must be having a good chuckle at our expense. And get this, they’ve even scheduled a jury trial to commence in September 2024, just two months before the next presidential election. Coincidence? I think not.

Now, let’s talk about this so-called “jury.” Dane County is a heavily Democratic area, so you can bet your bottom dollar that the jury would be stacked against these poor defendants. I mean, in 2020, it went for Biden by a whopping 75.7 percent. We’re talking landslide territory here. The scales of justice might as well be tilted all the way to the left.

But fear not, my fellow conservatives, because Wisconsin Republican Party Executive Director Mark Jefferson is confident that this lawsuit will “come up short.” And I’m right there with him. This whole thing is just a desperate attempt by the Democrats to undermine our democracy. They can’t handle the fact that America chose Trump, so they’re resorting to these dirty tactics.

Here’s the thing, folks. There is simply no precedent for suing electors for filing an alternative slate to Congress. In fact, this kind of thing has happened before in American history. Back in 1876 and 1960, alternative slates of electors were submitted, and nobody batted an eye. So why the sudden outrage now? It’s all part of the Democrats’ grand plan to silence any opposition and hold onto their power.

And let’s not forget about 1961, when Vice President Nixon counted the alternative slate of electors by Kennedy from Hawaii, even though another slate declared that he won the state. Was Nixon investigated and prosecuted? Of course not! But Trump, on the other hand, is being branded as a criminal by the federal government. It’s a double standard, plain and simple.

So, my friends, let’s not get caught up in this liberal circus. If submitting an alternative slate of electors is not against the law, then what case do they really have? This is just another attempt to smear Trump and his supporters. But mark my words, they won’t succeed. The truth will prevail, and we will continue to fight for what is right.

Written by Staff Reports

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